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Our last TPMS (by TST) which we used for the past few years completely failed us last month so it's time to give another one a try.  Having a single-axle trailer we realize the many benefits in monitoring the pressure & temperature of the TT's 2 tires as well as the main spare tire and a 2nd extreme emergency spare tire that is for trips that are more than a few hours from home (it will stay home for local trips).

The main spare tire of course is mounted underneath the trailer.  The 2nd extreme emergency spare tire travels in the bed of the truck on those longer trips (otherwise it is stored in the garage).

The 2 rolling tires as well as the main spare tire are Carlisle load D's that I prefer to maintain at 62 psi cold.  The 2nd extreme emergency spare tire - the #4 tire in our case - is a TowMax load C that I prefer to maintain at 50 psi cold.

A few of the many attractive points about this particular TPMS is that it is from a large RV company - Minder Research/Valterra Products, they encourage phone contact for any/all questions, no need for an additional monitor, if your phone is off you still get an audible & visual alert from the Bluetooth adapter (which I will tuck away out of sight somewhere in the truck cab, but within earshot & reach), free batteries & O-rings until the year 2022, and one of my favorite features - you can specify parameters for each tire individually (remember that our 2nd extreme emergency spare tire is a different psi than the other 3 tires), ...

I haven't put the sensors on the tires or synced everything up yet, but hope to this weekend.

I'll also be figuring out the best location for the booster (aka repeater) and how to have it powered only when we are towing.

Here is the manual -

So for now here are a bunch of unboxing pictures from today's arrival.

To be continued ...



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Last edited by Red Barchetta
Original Post

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Tried out the system this morning - everything was quick, simple, & accurate.

I first checked all tires with my high-end tire pressure gauge.  I then had the system learn all 4 tires.  The pressure on all 4 tires was spot on against my gauge.

Again, we have 4 trailer tires (with load range & the desired psi) -

1.  Driver's side (load range D, 62)

2.  Passenger side (load range D, 62)

3.  Main spare under the TT  (load range D, 62)

4. Extreme emergency spare for longer trips that will ride in the truck bed (load range C, 50)

The feature that allows you to set specific parameters for each tire is priceless in our case with tire #4.

For now I have identified/numbered/labeled the sensors with blue tape, but will come up with a permanent solution soon.

Another feature that is fantastic is that you can easily remove/add a section to be monitored without having to forget the settings.  This is perfect for us because on closer local trips we will not be taking the #4 tire (2nd spare) so I set it in the TV section of the display page (with the other 3 tires in the trailer section of course).

I also tried the theft deterrent which is a nut that you counter-tighten against the sensor.  Very secure.

The sensors are very light weight.  They won't cause any stem issues - especially with our steel stems.

I did not use or install the booster (repeater) yet.  That will wait until pre-trip prep. day before our next trip.  Everything worked great without the booster and I had a signal for 60' with my phone and the Bluetooth adapter in my hands (no booster).  Our trailer is so short that it probably isn't needed, but since it came with the kit I will install & use it.

Here are some pictures and screenshots.  *The last screenshot shows what appears after I had removed the passenger side (& main spare also) sensor.  My phone was also beeping and the Bluetooth adapter was blinking and beeping as well.

So far so good.  To be continued ...



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A few final mentions until our next trip -

Came up with a better labeling system - white labels inside the sensor caps.

Put a reminder in my Google calendar for August 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, & 2022 to place an order for the free replacement batteries & O-rings.

Everything is put away in the supplied pouch in the TV waiting for the next trip.  The manual (with receipt, proof of purchase card, & notes for the current battery installation date and the 4 sensor assigned locations) is also in the TV.

The booster is bagged & ready for installation under the TT before our next trip.

And one "What were they thinking?!" - so the theft deterrent seems decent right?  Uh, well, the cap can still be unscrewed, the battery can be removed, & the sensor can be left naked to take on the elements.  Pretty silly feature in my book.

That about does it for now ...




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Last edited by Red Barchetta

If you were to go old school like I prefer to do (I even still write checks in some cases & pay cash whenever possible) and call them direct you would find that they - the manufacturer of this TPMS - are absolutely not out of stock as well as you just might be happily surprised at the final shipped-to-your-door price with a little human interaction.  

And if that still isn't your cup of tea Amazon beats both of the places you posted above.

Not much more I can add so do with the info. what you will my friend.  

And believe me when I say that the verdict will be out on this TPMS for a very long time for me.  No endorsement or final review here.  Just one long ongoing review.

I just hope that it's there for us when we need it most - like before, during, & after a blowout - unlike our previous TST TPMS.

Last edited by Red Barchetta

I always try to research, research & research before buying anything.  After doing that, I concluded TireMinder was for me!

However, as Jeff pointed out, the real test is when a situation occurs; when a tire loses pressure.  Luckily I haven't had that happen!!

Thanks for the very informative write-up!  Please keep us posted; I will do the same.  BTW, I purchased mine thru Amazon 


mg -

I haven't installed the booster yet either.  I probably will at some point, but honestly & in my opinion, it's not a necessity with my short 1575 or your even shorter 1475.

When I do install it I have been thinking about inside the mounted spare tire (which is nice & dry under a 1575) or like you're thinking - somewhere around/under the A-frame tongue area.

As far as power for the booster goes - I will probably go the K-I-S-S route and just use the roach, er alligator clips on the battery posts.  Quick & easy.  

I would try a test tow or two without the booster and see if you lose connection.

Just my $0.02.

Glad that yours arrived.  Please keep posting thoughts and updates.  I will do the same (hoping to get out on a trip soon).  

Last edited by Red Barchetta

TPMS installed.  Mounted signal booster under battery box and clipped alligator clips to battery posts.  If this works I'll connect with a pig tail connection like I use with battery tenders.  Consulted w/Minder Research and they agreed w/my booster placement.  May rethink and place elsewhere if necessary.  Install was very straight forward and all transmitters worked.  First trial trip coming up soon, will post again after return.

Red, what does K-I-S-S stand for, that one lost me!

mg -

KISS = Keep It Simple Stupid.

It's referring to one's self as a reminder for no need to overthink a certain task, etc ...

I am glad to hear that everything went smoothly with the install & the initial equipment check.  

Looking forward to your post-trip report.   

Side note/question - what psi does your TVs "doughnut" spare take?  My wife's Beetle has one of those and I don't think I've ever even looked at it as it's buried deep in the cramped trunk.  I am surprised that an Explorer has one of those instead of a full-size spare tire.

Amazon reviews are still holding at just 19 (there were 18 when I started this thread) so it appears that we are still in the infancy stage with this TPMS.

Last edited by Red Barchetta
Red Barchetta posted:

mg -

KISS = Keep It Simple Stupid.

Explorer has one of those instead of a full-size spare tire..

I can't do that - I stay awake at nights trying to come up with ideas that can complicate an install.

I'm still working on a solution for mounting my signal booster (older system than yours) but my thinking is along these lines.

I already have a set of Anderson electrical connectors coming off of the batteries for my portable solar - thinking about adding a small waterproof box to the outside of one of the battery boxes (think Pelican here, or something similar (read that as cheaper) with an openable lid) - running the wires into that, (keeping everything waterproof) so that I have easy access to plug in either the solar, or the signal booster (adding the Anderson connectors to this as well).

Thought about adding an on/off switch just to further complicate things, but will probably go with just plugging/unplugging as necessary.

Ron -

Too funny ... and true.

I am the same way with most things.  Thought-out to the umpteenth degree and then precisely executed.

If it turns out that I need the booster with my short 1575 & extended cab truck then I'll probably mount a water-proof box somewhere under the TT, but as far as powering it I'll probably stick to the roach, er alligator clips on the terminals as I have nice & quick access to my battery at all times (no crazy sliding tray setup on my '14 Lance TT).  Since the booster is only needed while towing I don't want even the slightest parasitic draw from it while it is "sleeping" while camping as we are dry campers 98% of the time.

Last edited by Red Barchetta

Any thoughts on this method of installing the booster?

In my 1685's forward storage compartment there is an access hole that allows me to get to the lower front running lights. Considering splicing into that circuit - always drive with the lights on so the booster would always be on when driving, off when unhooked with no battery loss.

It would be a bit further away from the truck's cab and the signal would have to travel through the front of the trailer. Don't know how strong the signal is or if it is something to even consider.

Probably not thinking of something here, but right now it seems like a possibility.

Ron -

I like your idea for tapping in to the TT's running lights for power to the booster (I too always tow with the lights on so would only be hot while towing).

Where the issue in your plan could be is that per Minder Research/Valterra Products you want the weather-proof booster's antenna outside the TT such as mounted to the frame, inside the mounted spare tire, etc...

However, I don't think that is truly a serious issue.  Since you have the access area and you know you want to splice in to that line you could just set the booster inside the access area and give it a try.  If there is trouble you can always drill a small hole through the floor and mount the booster under the trailer.

I really think you might do a test tow or two without the booster as even your 1685 is a pretty short trailer.  You might find that it's not necessary.

By the way, 1575's have that same false wall/access area.  That is where I mounted my Victron battery monitor.  If I do decide to use the booster I will definitely follow your lead and use the marker/running lights wire.  Thanks for the idea.  


*From here -


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Red Barchetta posted:

Ron -


Where the issue in your plan could be is that per Minder Research/Valterra Products you want the weather-proof booster's antenna outside the TT such as mounted to the frame, inside the mounted spare tire, etc...

I really think you might do a test tow or two without the booster as even your 1685 is a pretty short trailer.  You might find that it's not necessary.

Thanks, I just read that - hadn't realized the booster was weather-tight.

We do need the booster - I'm thinking of trying it inside of that area behind the cover, the only thing blocking the signal would be the front wall that looks to be some sort of fiberglass casting, maybe 3/16" thick.

That shouldn't interfere much, but if it does I will mount it just outside of that area, depends on water/mud spray from the truck tires where exactly.


If I put it outside I might still put it in a weather-tight box for rock/element protection. 


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Final pre-trip report.

Once the Bluetooth adapter is turned on the app syncs within 30 seconds.

I really like that I get tire psi, tire temperature, & tire sensor battery level readings in a single glance before it moves on to the next tire.

I prefer/keep my 2 rolling tires at 62 psi and the spare at 65 psi.  *This is a semi-local trip so leaving the 2nd spare (50 psi) at home which rides in the truck bed.  Since it's staying home I disabled the TV section so that the app doesn't keep searching for that spare tire.

I removed a sensor from the valve stem and a nice loud & clear audible warning sounded as well as vibration and status bar warnings.

I have put the app icon on my home screen.  Once we return from our trip I'll remove it from my home screen until the next trip.

Red Barchetta posted:

Uneventful tow.  Seems to do what it's designed to do.

Really nice not to have a separate monitor in the TV.

Like I mentioned before, I have the older version of the Tire Minder TPMS, it works fine, but trying to see that small display on the receiving unit is difficult while driving.

Might have to buy my own Christmas present this year and upgrade to the new system.

Red Barchetta posted:

Put a reminder in my Google calendar for August 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, & 2022 to place an order for the free replacement batteries & O-rings.

Just placed my first order for the 4 "free" batteries & o-rings.  Free apparently equals $5.00 at Valterra.  
$0.01 for the batteries & o-rings & $4.99 for shipping.  Still a great deal in my book as it is still a great price, it makes sure that I replace the sensor batteries annually, and even has me changing the tiny o-rings annually even though they don't need to be replaced that often in my opinion.

*I also added another $5.00 for 4 new sensor caps.  I actually only need 1, but they give you as many as you have sensors (4 in my case) for $5.00.
One sensor cracked 2 trips ago most likely from me over-tightening it and it really isn't a big deal since I moved it to the extreme 2nd backup spare tire that most likely will never see action.  However, since it is just $5.00 (actually just $1.25 per cap in my case) I figured that I might as well change it for a good cap.  Bonus is that I will now have 3 spare caps.

So, $10.00 spent for peace of mind and since I now will have 3 spare caps it will just be $5.00 one year from now.  

Last edited by Red Barchetta
Red Barchetta posted:
Red Barchetta posted:

Put a reminder in my Google calendar for August 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, & 2022 to place an order for the free replacement batteries & O-rings.

Just placed my first order for the 4 "free" batteries & o-rings.  Free apparently equals $5.00 at Valterra.  
$0.01 for the batteries & o-rings & $4.99 for shipping.  Still a great deal in my book as it is still a great price, it makes sure that I replace the sensor batteries annually, and even has me changing the tiny o-rings annually even though they don't need to be replaced that often in my opinion.

*I also added another $5.00 for 4 new sensor caps.  I actually only need 1, but they give you as many as you have sensors (4 in my case) for $5.00.
One sensor cracked 2 trips ago most likely from me over-tightening it and it really isn't a big deal since I moved it to the extreme 2nd backup spare tire that most likely will never see action.  However, since it is just $5.00 (actually just $1.25 per cap in my case) I figured that I might as well change it for a good cap.  Bonus is that I will now have 3 spare caps.

So, $10.00 spent for peace of mind and since I now will have 3 spare caps it will just be $5.00 one year from now.  

Quick follow-up -

Everything arrived this afternoon including another TM bag (one came with the original purchase). 



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Bumping this not-too-old thread....

Just got my Tireminder Smart TPMS  and will be installing and setting it up next week when I get back to the trailer down in Tucson.  Nice packaging!

A couple of questions for those of you that have actually installed and used them.  This is going on a 2018 2285 (dual separate battery compartments) pulled by a F250 CCSB truck with a rigid topper on the back.

I was thinking of putting the signal booster in one of the battery compartments and, at least for now, just clipping the power supply onto the battery poles. They're weather protected, handy to power and pretty far forward on the trailer. Should be easy to mount it with strong velcro, if not the supplied zip ties.  Any thoughts pro or con on that?

As for the Bluetooth adapter.... I've got plenty of options for that, probably in one of the back seat center console cup holders so I can get power from a nearby 12V socket and it will be close enough to hear and/or grab from the front seat if it signals, but not in the center console in front which gets full of other sh..., I mean "necessities", including the cell phone which will be the monitoring device.  

I'd be interested in hearing how folks have actually installed this stuff. The manual seems pretty clear and I don't expect any difficulties. But, I find, almost always, that people come up with better ideas for installations, mounting, etc. than I do.  This isn't rocket science, but still, it would be nice to know how it's gone for others.



Last edited by DJ53

Hey Russell,

We have the same Tire Minder smartphone TPMS and tried mounting the booster in the curbside front battery compartment on the front wall. We found that the street side  trailer tires randomly kept losing connection. Maybe the lead in the battery was blocking the signal? Moved the booster to the middle the frame member just behind the propane tanks and signal have been solid.

Been very pleased with the system. Good luck

I mounted my TireMinder relay booster using zip ties on the tongue underneath the propane tanks and tapped into the 12v power wire that supplies power to the jack.  This has worked flawlessly with picking up the tire signals and relaying to the TV.   In that location the relay antenna has a clear signal path to the tires. It also has the benefit of powering down when I turn off the battery disconnect switch.

Our Minder repeater is mounted in the lower forward nose cone of our 2285. Just inside the driver side storage pass-through door there will be a square panel covering a generously sized hole where one can grab 12V power from the trailer's running lights. I used Velcro to mount it against the back of the nose material. For future-proof  troubleshooting purposes I covered the access hole with clear desk/floor protector so I can easily see the green light confirming the repeater is on.

Occasionally the app will not connect to the Bluetooth device. The fix for me was to clear the cash in the phone's setting/apps/tire minder.

I've been happy with this unit for thousands of miles. I get a false alarm every once in a while but no big deal.

If you want to, you can use an old non-sim card phone as a monitor instead of your working phone. All it needs is the app and working Bluetooth.

I bought the booster but don't need it. It's mounted in the driver's side battery compartment and I just clipped it to the battery terminals. If I decided I really needed it I'd try to figure out how to connect it's to switched power. But when I've used it, I just reach in and unclip it.

Last edited by DJ53

I've been using a Tireminder unit for 6 years.  It is an old-fashioned model compared to the newer Bluetooth units.  (I have the small monitor suction-cupped to my windshield)  But, it has worked flawlessly, providing tire pressures and temps.   Thankfully, I haven't needed it for a blowout!! 

I opted for the solar-powered TireMinder TPMS and checked performance with and without the booster and it worked fine in both conditions. But since it came with the TPMS, I decided to install it. I mounted the booster inside the "nose" via the storage compartment and added a power switch. The unit is actually attached to the back of the wiring access panel with foam tape. I drilled a small hole through the cover inline with the LED and inserted a LEGO as a lens.


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