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Lance Factory Tour and BBQ Rally

KOA Acton, CA

Lance Factory Tour and BBQ Rally

This event will include a Lance Factory Tour, cocktail happy hour, raffles, give aways and vendors on site to show us new products. Too much fun to be had by all. Lance will be debuting new products exclusively to us.


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Originally Posted by R. Spiker:

I keep seeing mentions of either "some" or "a few" hookups but does anyone have an actual count? I also know that there are two more at the repair facility, one short block away. Whether they'll allow one to park there is unknown as that area seems to be where folks drop off their rigs for service. 

I will find out from Lance What is going on.

I keep seeing mentions of either "some" or "a few" hookups but does anyone have an actual count? I also know that there are two more at the repair facility, one short block away. Whether they'll allow one to park there is unknown as that area seems to be where folks drop off their rigs for service. 

I just read a post from someone that mentioned that the factory had some full hookups. We do have a little dog that goes with us when ever we go on road trips. At the KAO we are dry camping I will imagine it will be hot. Will they allow us to use the hook ups at the factory if we leave the campground and park it at the factory during the tour?

There are a few hook up sites at the factory. At the last factory tour the Lance people asked if anyone needed hook ups for their camper to run A/C for pets during the tour. If its going to be hot like it was last time your pet would be better off in a cooled camper than inside that hot factory.


Last edited by THE ZAR

Railking, you're missing something. The question MikeK asked looks rather simple to understand, why you're having trouble with it appears to be the only mystery.


MikeK, I think it would be best to call Lance at (661) 949-3322, to see if they will allow pets inside the factory. My guess is no. I do not remember any pets inside the last time.

Am I missing something? You asked what we as a group are doing with your
pets... I think my response was self explanatory..
My question too you was what were you asking the group.. I think the
general consensuses would be the same for any group of RV people. The pets
come with you
Originally Posted by Railking:
You are a dog owner, so what exactly do you want to know?
Our Dogs are family. Wherever we go they go.. If we need to move to a
shaded campsite we do it. If they need to be attended to in any manner they
are taken care of.

Being that you will be attending the event I can only assume you be taking yours to the Lance Factory tour, BBQ and rally?

We will be attending for two nights, 9/25 & 9/26. dry camping is the only ones available at this time. Should a full hookup site become available (pull thru or back-in) for the two nights please upgrade us.

When will we know when a site has been assigned?

We are first time rally attendees. We look forward to meeting other Lance owners.


Mike & Nancy

My wife and I just signed up for 3 nights Dry camp.

We prefer FH but it sounds like there are none available.

Will this be camping in the parking area?

This is our first organized camping trip and we're both excited to see some lance mods (me mostly) and meet fellow campers.

Ok, the factory visit is starting to look good. But it looks like I'm a few months late.  I saw if you're dry camping you can park anywhere on the site...really! There's got to be more information than that, having to move your rig because of...



We sign up for two nights of Dry camping, I will be seeking A LOT of information prior to this trip. Never done dry camping , going to try that next month, and I will seeking some hard learned knowledge.

Last edited by SerKel
Originally Posted by netwizzard:

Hi Eric,

I just bought the Saturday FH based on your note.  So now we are 2 nights dry and FH on Saturday.




Ok Loren you are all set.  I refunded your Saturday night dry camping spot.

Originally Posted by Eric Dye:
Originally Posted by Camelot:

Hi Eric, not sure if you saw my earlier post, we would like to be put on the waiting list for a full hook up site.  Thank you!

I saw it and you are on the list.

Thanks Eric!



Originally Posted by Camelot:

Hi Eric, not sure if you saw my earlier post, we would like to be put on the waiting list for a full hook up site.  Thank you!

I saw it and you are on the list.

Originally Posted by orexplorer:

We would like dry camping site #30 please, for 2 nights

Thank you,

Hi ORExplorer,


The sites are not numbered in the Dry Camping Area.  You can choose anywhere you want to go once you get to the campground.

Originally Posted by logboy33:

Eric, I really have no preference, just slip me into the trailer section next to someone extra nice (as if they all aren't).  Thanks,  Roger


Also, I know I paid for the two nights early on (2/19) but have been in Alaska since then and were unable to select a space number.  Am I still going to be able to get a FHU site?    Thx!

Yes Roger you will be in a FH site.  Your site number is 51B and your neighbor is woodglue.

Eric, I really have no preference, just slip me into the trailer section next to someone extra nice (as if they all aren't).  Thanks,  Roger


Also, I know I paid for the two nights early on (2/19) but have been in Alaska since then and were unable to select a space number.  Am I still going to be able to get a FHU site?    Thx!

Last edited by Eric Dye

Hey Jeff!  I'm glad I checked my emails last night...almost missed out on getting a site!  Randy can't wait and of course I'm thrilled myself.  You know, we were at Doran Beach this past weekend and we thought, what are the chances that Jeff might be here... lol... We looked for you anyways!  lol

Originally Posted by R. Spiker:

Happy to see you two are coming. Enjoyed conversing with Randy at the Nor-cal rally and look forward to meeting the better half. 

Randy enjoyed meeting and conversing with you as well... He's looking forward to seeing you again and I can't wait to meet you!

Originally Posted by Ann & Bill:

Hi Daphne and Randy, the dry camp area doesn't have site numbers.  


Looking forward to meeting you and seeing Randy again.  



Thanks Ann!  We sure hope to get bumped up to FHU.  Looking forward to meeting you here or in Oregon 

Originally Posted by Camelot:

Hello!  We're interested in attending Thurs-Sun.  Are all the sites booked at the KOA? 

OK, I answered my own question above (lol).  


We are now registered for 3 nights, "dry camp".  Are we supposed to choose a site #?


We would also like to be placed on the "waiting list" for a full hook-up site, if possible.


Looking forward to meeting everyone!


Thank you.

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