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Lance Factory Tour and BBQ Rally

KOA Acton, CA

Lance Factory Tour and BBQ Rally

This event will include a Lance Factory Tour, cocktail happy hour, raffles, give aways and vendors on site to show us new products. Too much fun to be had by all. Lance will be debuting new products exclusively to us.


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Originally Posted by mogman:

Who's coming from where? Just your general area. Some of you have your home base in your signature, some don't.

I'm coming from the Vancouver, B.C. area.






We'll be driving down from Redmond Washington just outside of Seattle.




Since Marcia and I will be traveling in the Spring, it's tough to say where we might be at any given point in time. We'll be looking for rallies along the way.

Hi Everyone,


As you can see by this morning's updates, folks are moving from Dry to Full hookups as the sites become available.  You will get a message from me when the time comes to upgrade offering you the opportunity.  Some folks may choose to stay in dry camping and that is fine too.



Originally Posted by Dennis & Marva Stone:

Eric I like to reserve a dry spot, do I do it thru you or call KOA?



Per Eric, Don't contact KOA. Purchase a dry site for Thu-Fri here:


After you register click here and post a message asking for wait-listing for full hookups:

If you want to, purchase a dry or full hookup site for Sat - more FHUs should be available when the Thu-Friers leave.  
Edits: the dry sites are not numbered or formally marked out.

Good luck! Plance

Last edited by Plance

GREAT WORK Eric!!!  

This rally is quite an undertaking and you are handling it and the snafu's that pop-up wonderfully!

It also helps tremendously that LOA'ers as a whole are easy-going & understanding.  


Can't wait for the entire gathering to give a hearty united toast to one another!  

I spoke to the campground today.  They fixed the problem where people could register for a site over the internet.  No one can register to camp that weekend except though our LOA process. 


The KOA also released more sites to us today and I will be communicating with the Dry Campers to see if they want to upgrade to FH.  I am expecting more sites to open as it gets closer.  Some people are at KOA on a monthly basis and as soon as they leave, the KOA will save that site for us that weekend.


Thanks Everyone...

Registering to camp directly on the KOA site. 


Hi everyone.  Please do not attempt to register on the KOA site directly.  KOA was supposed to block/lock these sites on their website and they probably just have not done it yet because they did not know we would sell out so fast.  If you do register on the KOA website it will cause a double booking situation.  The manager told me that the LOA has every available campsite in the park at this time and any that become available will be given to us.


If any sites are released to us I will give the folks in Dry Camping First opportunity to upgrade and then go to the waiting list. 


Thanks for your cooperation on this...



We registered for a dry camp spot but they are not listed on the map. Our first time, thus have no idea what to specify.  So...just give us a decent spot that is not too difficult to back in. Please put us on a waiting list for full hook-ups should such a possibility occur.


Thank you,



Wow!  Cannot believe how quickly all the spots were taken.  This will be my first trip and I am looking forward to it.  I registered for two sites in the dry camping section for Thursday and Friday and for two full sites for Saturday.  We will take what we can get this year and will be quicker next year!   Please let us know if there is a cancellation and we might get full hookups.

Originally Posted by Ann & Bill:

Hi Eric, this is probably an obvious thing, are you keeping a wait list for the hookup sites in case someone cancels? 

I have a list of folks that want to be on a waiting list.  This is how it will work.  If someone cancels or the campground can give me more sites then I am going to give the opportunity to the dry camping people to upgrade to a FH site.  If I get through that list of dry campers then I will go to the list of folks that want a full hookup site offer them a chance to get one of those.

We are going to the Rally, Need as much shade as possible for the pooches. Only able to get dry site..

If anyone needs to cancel, please contact me..,.

Looking forward to this event..then we head straight up to Fall River to get some quality fishing in... yahooo!!!


Originally Posted by BrianP:

Hi, In reply to the question of what spot I want, all the full hookups were taken when I registered today, so I registered for dry camping.  There'll be just me, so however the spots are picked, one for me and my 2385 would be fine.  





Hi Brian,


The Dry Camping spots are not really marked.  Its just an area where you can park where you want.

Hi, In reply to the question of what spot I want, all the full hookups were taken when I registered today, so I registered for dry camping.  There'll be just me, so however the spots are picked, one for me and my 2385 would be fine.  





I am still reconciling all of the full hookup sites.  In cases where two people requested the same site, I am going off the time of payment, not the order posted here.  It is mostly the same but your site may shift a bit so check back later today.  There is only 2 or 3 cases of this happening.  We still have dry camping sites available and still have saturday night available as well.

Originally Posted by Eric Dye:

I need to review and reconcile but as it stands right now the full hookup sites are sold out.  There are a couple people that paid but did not specify a site.


This sold out faster than a rolling stones concert.


Yeah baby! And the ones that missed out are gettin' "no satisfaction". 


Just curious, how much bigger is LOA now than it was a year ago?

I need to review and reconcile but as it stands right now the full hookup sites are sold out.  There are a couple people that paid but did not specify a site.


This sold out faster than a rolling stones concert.


Last edited by Eric Dye
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