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Lance Factory Tour and BBQ Rally

KOA Acton, CA

Lance Factory Tour and BBQ Rally

This event will include a Lance Factory Tour, cocktail happy hour, raffles, give aways and vendors on site to show us new products. Too much fun to be had by all. Lance will be debuting new products exclusively to us.


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Random piece of trivia as we pass through the bustling metropolis of Wasco on our way home.



One of Wasco's major economic activities is its agriculture, specifically the growing of roses. 55% of all roses grown in the United States are grown in or around Wasco.[12]


Originally Posted by Camelot:

Thank you to Eric for organizing this phenomenal event!  Randy and I enjoyed our time spent meeting everyone that attended. I'll keep this short and sweet for for those that missed this event (we missed you, of course!),  I wanted to share some of the pictures that I took of the convoy - from the KOA to the "mothership".  Enjoy!








Thanks for sharing the awesome pics!

Thank you to Eric for organizing this phenomenal event!  Randy and I enjoyed our time spent meeting everyone that attended. I'll keep this short and sweet for for those that missed this event (we missed you, of course!),  I wanted to share some of the pictures that I took of the convoy - from the KOA to the "mothership".  Enjoy!







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Last edited by Camelot

Such a great time!

Everyone, and I truly mean everyone, was as fabulous as you would expect.

I'll post all of my thoughts on that in the appropriate after-party thread when it shows itself.


However, I need to discuss trains, raccoons, coyotes, & lions.

Yep, you read that right - raccoons.  


So after 2 nights in a tent I actually got used to the continuous sounds of trains, coyotes, & lions, but this morning at 5:10 when I crawled out of my tent to start loading my car for the drive back home I came face-to-face with 2 very aggressive & curious raccoons not 3' away staring at me with their beady eyes.

The little bleep'ers would not move!  So after a few minutes I stepped out of the tent (in flip-flops no less!) & started taking the few items that I had in the tent over to the car.  Well they followed me to the car & back to the tent 3 times.  Remember, it's dark, I'm in shorts, flip-flops, & a tee-shirt.  Then while at the car where I'm changing to socks & shoes one of them decides he's going to go under the car towards me.  I jumped in the car & shut the door.  They wander off & I run back to the tent (Randy/R. Spikers) & zip it up so that they won't destroy it for Randy to find a few hours later when he wakes up, got in the car, & sadly left the campground where more LOA fun was surely had today.

And as a final salute, as I turned the car on to the main road out of the campground a lion's roar filled the air.

Yep, damn good time!  


And just so you don't think we were crazy thinking we heard trains, coyotes, & raccoons all night:

This thread is tough on a phone.  A lot of scrolling.
Made it to Santa Nella. Had to copy Camelot's picture (thumbnail below).
2 "Stuff You Should Know" podcast's down on this trip so far.
I'm ready to converse on police interrogation & headstones.
Back on I-5 south now ...


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Originally Posted by EFerrier:

Some one PLEEEEZE take lots of pictures and post them. Some of us have to work and can't make it.  But we can live vicariously through your posts.






I would do the same!


Serge and Kelly

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