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Lance Factory Tour and BBQ Rally

KOA Acton, CA

Lance Factory Tour and BBQ Rally

This event will include a Lance Factory Tour, cocktail happy hour, raffles, give aways and vendors on site to show us new products. Too much fun to be had by all. Lance will be debuting new products exclusively to us.


For all the details Click here:


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Random piece of trivia as we pass through the bustling metropolis of Wasco on our way home.



One of Wasco's major economic activities is its agriculture, specifically the growing of roses. 55% of all roses grown in the United States are grown in or around Wasco.[12]


Originally Posted by Camelot:

Thank you to Eric for organizing this phenomenal event!  Randy and I enjoyed our time spent meeting everyone that attended. I'll keep this short and sweet for for those that missed this event (we missed you, of course!),  I wanted to share some of the pictures that I took of the convoy - from the KOA to the "mothership".  Enjoy!








Thanks for sharing the awesome pics!

Thank you to Eric for organizing this phenomenal event!  Randy and I enjoyed our time spent meeting everyone that attended. I'll keep this short and sweet for for those that missed this event (we missed you, of course!),  I wanted to share some of the pictures that I took of the convoy - from the KOA to the "mothership".  Enjoy!







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Last edited by Camelot

Such a great time!

Everyone, and I truly mean everyone, was as fabulous as you would expect.

I'll post all of my thoughts on that in the appropriate after-party thread when it shows itself.


However, I need to discuss trains, raccoons, coyotes, & lions.

Yep, you read that right - raccoons.  


So after 2 nights in a tent I actually got used to the continuous sounds of trains, coyotes, & lions, but this morning at 5:10 when I crawled out of my tent to start loading my car for the drive back home I came face-to-face with 2 very aggressive & curious raccoons not 3' away staring at me with their beady eyes.

The little bleep'ers would not move!  So after a few minutes I stepped out of the tent (in flip-flops no less!) & started taking the few items that I had in the tent over to the car.  Well they followed me to the car & back to the tent 3 times.  Remember, it's dark, I'm in shorts, flip-flops, & a tee-shirt.  Then while at the car where I'm changing to socks & shoes one of them decides he's going to go under the car towards me.  I jumped in the car & shut the door.  They wander off & I run back to the tent (Randy/R. Spikers) & zip it up so that they won't destroy it for Randy to find a few hours later when he wakes up, got in the car, & sadly left the campground where more LOA fun was surely had today.

And as a final salute, as I turned the car on to the main road out of the campground a lion's roar filled the air.

Yep, damn good time!  


And just so you don't think we were crazy thinking we heard trains, coyotes, & raccoons all night:

This thread is tough on a phone.  A lot of scrolling.
Made it to Santa Nella. Had to copy Camelot's picture (thumbnail below).
2 "Stuff You Should Know" podcast's down on this trip so far.
I'm ready to converse on police interrogation & headstones.
Back on I-5 south now ...


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Originally Posted by EFerrier:

Some one PLEEEEZE take lots of pictures and post them. Some of us have to work and can't make it.  But we can live vicariously through your posts.






I would do the same!


Serge and Kelly

Originally Posted by steve y:

just for last minute planning...


The BBQ is at the factory - right?


What time do you expect it to start, and what time to finish?





Yes food will be provided at the factory. Leave Campground at 1:00 pm and return approx 7-8 pm

Last edited by Eric Dye

Be Vewry vewry quiet, I'm hunting tigers!


Seriously, at night if you hear lions and Tigers roar, it's because Tippi Hedren's Shambala Preserve is right down the road.  She has a ton on Lions, Tigers and Ligers plus other animals.




Originally Posted by Zoe:

Any thoughts about taking Hwy 138 over to Acton. Last time, from Hwy 5, we dropped down to Santa Clarita and horseshoed our way back up to Acton. Google maps wants us to take Hwy 58 from 99 and make our way to Acton. No problem with that but it seems Hwy 138 might be more direct?

We are coming from the far east bay area ( Antioch) heading down I-5. according to google maps, the first choice is to stay on 5 and then east on 138.  The second google choice is to take 5 south to hwy 58 and then go east to hwy 14 and south on 14 to Acton.  The route via 138 is only 8 miles and 15 minutes shorter compared to the hwy 58 and 14 routing but the grade going up hwy 58 through tehachapi isn't as steep relative to the grapevine. 


The major freight train line between the central valley and los angeles parallels hwy 58 which tells you that it is an easier climb. 


Get yourself from Monterey to I-5 and take 5 to the hwy 58 turnoff.  Hwy 99 is old, bumpty, congested with ag traffic and it's probably harvest season.  The last time we headed to Lancaster/Acton, we went I-5 and 138 but this time we are taking the 58/14 route for a change of scenery. The grapevine can be a vehicle killer depending upon your rig and temperatures are projected to be in the lower 90's. See you at the rally.

I apologize if this has been discussed but I am making my meal plan and grocery list for the weekend and wondered if Saturday night will turn into a potluck.  


At the Solano rally I was so concerned with the potluck food that I didn't plan for our individual meals so this time, I want to plan ahead.  


Thanks and really looking forward to the weekend.  

Originally Posted by Rottie Lover:
Originally Posted by Zoe:
Zoe has a reservation at the Canine Country Club while we tour the factory. Much too hot last time. Thanks for the info.

 You're welcome. Please make sure you have your pets vaccination current and a copy of proof for the kennel. C Ya at the tour. 

Yep, picked up copy of proof of current vaccinations this morning from vet. Good reminder. We always keep a copy in glove compartment of vehicle but I had forgotten to get an updated copy when Zoe had a recent vaccination.

Any thoughts about taking Hwy 138 over to Acton. Last time, from Hwy 5, we dropped down to Santa Clarita and horseshoed our way back up to Acton. Google maps wants us to take Hwy 58 from 99 and make our way to Acton. No problem with that but it seems Hwy 138 might be more direct?

Originally Posted by Zoe:
Zoe has a reservation at the Canine Country Club while we tour the factory. Much too hot last time. Thanks for the info.

 You're welcome. Please make sure you have your pets vaccination current and a copy of proof for the kennel. C Ya at the tour. 

Looking forward to the rally, and seeing a caravan of Lances headed down I5 from northern California.  If anyone wants to caravan and meet up along the way, text us at 925-783-3099. Two more days of work until meeting new friends and seeing some old friends. 


Originally Posted by logboy33:
Originally Posted by Stephen85310:

Is someone making name badges.  I can remember maybe one new persons name a month so without name badges I'm in big trouble.


As Eric expressed some concern regarding privacy with pre-printed name tags, I scrapped that idea for now.  BUT, I did buy 100 Avery "Hello, My Name is:" stick-on things and a couple of Sharpies to bring along.  That way you can fill in the info you want.


I suggest your real name and an a.k.a. line for your screen name.  I'll make sure they get to the rally HQs, which will be Eric's rig in space 5.

You are going to need more than 100.   I will have some too.  Thanks Roger... cya in a couple of days.

Last edited by Eric Dye
Originally Posted by Cap:
Hey Eric,
We are down for 2 days on space 71 under Cap, my poor record keeping requires me to ask, are we showing up on Thursday for Thursday night and Friday night? Or are we to show up on Friday for Friday night and Saturday night?
Sorry to ask, neither one of us can remember...
Ed (aka Cap) and Terri (aka T.O.) Bruns

Date: Thu, 4 Sep 2014 21:06:07 -0700

It is for Thursday and Friday,  Show up on Thursday after noon.

Hey Eric,
We are down for 2 days on space 71 under Cap, my poor record keeping requires me to ask, are we showing up on Thursday for Thursday night and Friday night? Or are we to show up on Friday for Friday night and Saturday night?
Sorry to ask, neither one of us can remember...
Ed (aka Cap) and Terri (aka T.O.) Bruns

Date: Thu, 4 Sep 2014 21:06:07 -0700
Originally Posted by Stephen85310:

Is someone making name badges.  I can remember maybe one new persons name a month so without name badges I'm in big trouble.


As Eric expressed some concern regarding privacy with pre-printed name tags, I scrapped that idea for now.  BUT, I did buy 100 Avery "Hello, My Name is:" stick-on things and a couple of Sharpies to bring along.  That way you can fill in the info you want.


I suggest your real name and an a.k.a. line for your screen name.  I'll make sure they get to the rally HQs, which will be Eric's rig in space 5.

Originally Posted by svendawg:

One of the of fun parts of attending the rally is driving to the factory in a huge convoy of Lance campers and trailers  It's very impressive. 

Maybe someone could pull some strings and get us a police escort--you know, like funeral processions have. 

One of the of fun parts of attending the rally is driving to the factory in a huge convoy of Lance campers and trailers  It's very impressive.  The factory closes the street at the factory so we can park and they take pictures.  I'm sure it is a great marketing tool/event for Lance.  All I can say, its impressive to see all the campers and trailers lined up on the street.

However based on the number that it appears that have signed up this year we may need to split up the convey.

Wait till you see and are participating in it.   You'll love it

Originally Posted by OurFishin'Shack:

Hi all,


Being our first time attending a rally, I wanted to find out what we can/should bring? I see there is a cocktail hour and a pancake breakfast. What can we bring to contribute? Snacks? Drinks? Other? Maybe I'm jumping the gun and this info is on the way?....

Since this is your first rally, you need to bring about twelve pounds of bacon, a hundred pounds of ice, back-up gas for everybody's generator, silverware for sixty or so, napkins, red solo cups, copious amounts of alcohol, a couple dozen pre-printed directions to the factory, and incidentals.

Just bring yourself. Everyone will love you and make you feel welcome.

Last edited by Lertsek
Originally Posted by OurFishin'Shack:

Hi all,


Being our first time attending a rally, I wanted to find out what we can/should bring? I see there is a cocktail hour and a pancake breakfast. What can we bring to contribute? Snacks? Drinks? Other? Maybe I'm jumping the gun and this info is on the way?....

Based on the last Acton KOA rally, I think I can tell you the M.O.  The cocktail hour is pretty much a BYOB very informal get-together just to meet the other attendees;  a couple of beers in a cooler or your cocktail shaker of martinis should suffice.  There seems to have been some tables, so some chips/salsa/whatever would probably be appreciated (and consumed), but not necessary.  The pancake breakfast is pretty much Eric Dye's thing, with his beautiful wife, as well as others, helping out.  About everything is provided, but if you have read a few threads, you know copious amounts of bacon would not go to waste.  Once again, we tend to keep simple.  Coffee, pancakes, butter and syrup.


There will be some product demos, give-aways, and a lot of sitting around just chewing the fat with each other.  Great relaxing couple of days.  You'll fit right in and enjoy the time together.

While there the parts girl pointed out one of the possible prizes and I said "Holly sh*t really" with a big smile on my face. Not saying what it is then I would ruin the surprise. Haha, now there's more excitement. No, not an RV.

 Don't know if this info has been posted, just ignore if it has.

 Yesterday when I went to pick up TT I spoke to Mike and the parts girl(forgot her name). Mike will be 1 of among 4 people helping with the fact. tour, they are also blocking the street in front of the fact. for parking. The fact. will be shut down the day of the tour, probably safety issues.

  The parts dept. will be open till 9pm. Noticed they just started stocking the stabilizer jack pads( They had 4 for both TT models), they will be ordering more. Also since there is a renewed interest in the the Andersen Levelers(they had only 3) they'll be ordering more of those and finally I asked Mike if he had enough brass check valves, he said they had a lot. 

Hi all,


Being our first time attending a rally, I wanted to find out what we can/should bring? I see there is a cocktail hour and a pancake breakfast. What can we bring to contribute? Snacks? Drinks? Other? Maybe I'm jumping the gun and this info is on the way?....


Since I'm fortunate to live about 4 miles from the factory, in Lancaster, I would like to attend the tour with ya'll on Friday, September 26. Please let me know if that's possible. Look forward to meeting new Lance Owners. 


FYI! Also those of you with dogs, four legged kids, and maybe need a place to safely leave them for a few hours, doggie day care. There is a great kennel about 1 1/2 miles from the factory. It's call Canine Country Club 42116 4th St East Lancaster, Ca. 93535 (661)942-4251

Originally Posted by BigWaveDave:

Hi Eric,


We'd love to attend the factory tour but unfortunately don't have time to haul our trailer down and camp .  We'll be staying at a local hotel and will meet you folks at the factory on Friday if that's OK?


P.S. I set our status as "maybe" until I hear back from you.

You are good to go.

Originally Posted by BigWaveDave:

Hi Eric,


We'd love to attend the factory tour but unfortunately don't have time to haul our trailer down and camp .  We'll be staying at a local hotel and will meet you folks at the factory on Friday if that's OK?


P.S. I set our status as "maybe" until I hear back from you.


Dave -

I just sent you a PM.


We are signed up and paid for the whole weekend.

Would you mind reminding us of the program for the weekend? When is the factory tour?

A conflict has arisen for the Sunday and I need to determine how to react



Please note: message attached
Originally Posted by Joe B:

Hi Eric, confirming that you received my email for Lance tour attendance without camping.  2 spots possibly 4 spots, if possible. Thanks, Joe 

Joe you are confirmed for the day event.

Originally Posted by Rochelle&John:

Eric, we paid for 3 nights - 1 dry and 2 wet (and if we're coming to California, chances are it will rain).  I obviously missed the note about picking a spot when I registered, so  I assume I have been assigned a spot.  I'm okay with that.  Any chance you know at this time which spot(s) that would be?  (I think I asked you this question earlier on the wrong forum). Thanks for any info Eric.  


"make the moost out of life"

We will assign you a site there.  See you soon.

Eric, we paid for 3 nights - 1 dry and 2 wet (and if we're coming to California, chances are it will rain).  I obviously missed the note about picking a spot when I registered, so  I assume I have been assigned a spot.  I'm okay with that.  Any chance you know at this time which spot(s) that would be?  (I think I asked you this question earlier on the wrong forum). Thanks for any info Eric.  


"make the moost out of life"

Originally Posted by Rick and Diane:


We signed up to attend the factory tour and believe we are dry camping at the KOA.

Will a spot be assigned to us or is it first come, first served basis?  Also, we need to pay for our 2 nights.

Thanks, Rick & Diane



You are confirmed for 2 nights dry camping and you already paid on April 9th.  Cya There,

Originally Posted by MikeT:

WOW!! looks like this sold out back in Feb. before we even purchased our Lance. I'll make sure to watch and sign up early next year. 

Next year for us too... Sometimes it's tough to make plans that far in advance.

Marcia and I are traveling toward the Mid West Truck Camper Rally this year and then headed across Canada toward Maine this year prior to heading home. We hope to attend a Lance factory tour next year.

Originally Posted by R. Spiker:

I keep seeing mentions of either "some" or "a few" hookups but does anyone have an actual count? I also know that there are two more at the repair facility, one short block away. Whether they'll allow one to park there is unknown as that area seems to be where folks drop off their rigs for service. 

I will find out from Lance What is going on.

I keep seeing mentions of either "some" or "a few" hookups but does anyone have an actual count? I also know that there are two more at the repair facility, one short block away. Whether they'll allow one to park there is unknown as that area seems to be where folks drop off their rigs for service. 

I just read a post from someone that mentioned that the factory had some full hookups. We do have a little dog that goes with us when ever we go on road trips. At the KAO we are dry camping I will imagine it will be hot. Will they allow us to use the hook ups at the factory if we leave the campground and park it at the factory during the tour?

There are a few hook up sites at the factory. At the last factory tour the Lance people asked if anyone needed hook ups for their camper to run A/C for pets during the tour. If its going to be hot like it was last time your pet would be better off in a cooled camper than inside that hot factory.


Last edited by THE ZAR

Railking, you're missing something. The question MikeK asked looks rather simple to understand, why you're having trouble with it appears to be the only mystery.


MikeK, I think it would be best to call Lance at (661) 949-3322, to see if they will allow pets inside the factory. My guess is no. I do not remember any pets inside the last time.

Am I missing something? You asked what we as a group are doing with your
pets... I think my response was self explanatory..
My question too you was what were you asking the group.. I think the
general consensuses would be the same for any group of RV people. The pets
come with you
Originally Posted by Railking:
You are a dog owner, so what exactly do you want to know?
Our Dogs are family. Wherever we go they go.. If we need to move to a
shaded campsite we do it. If they need to be attended to in any manner they
are taken care of.

Being that you will be attending the event I can only assume you be taking yours to the Lance Factory tour, BBQ and rally?

We will be attending for two nights, 9/25 & 9/26. dry camping is the only ones available at this time. Should a full hookup site become available (pull thru or back-in) for the two nights please upgrade us.

When will we know when a site has been assigned?

We are first time rally attendees. We look forward to meeting other Lance owners.


Mike & Nancy

My wife and I just signed up for 3 nights Dry camp.

We prefer FH but it sounds like there are none available.

Will this be camping in the parking area?

This is our first organized camping trip and we're both excited to see some lance mods (me mostly) and meet fellow campers.

Ok, the factory visit is starting to look good. But it looks like I'm a few months late.  I saw if you're dry camping you can park anywhere on the site...really! There's got to be more information than that, having to move your rig because of...



We sign up for two nights of Dry camping, I will be seeking A LOT of information prior to this trip. Never done dry camping , going to try that next month, and I will seeking some hard learned knowledge.

Last edited by SerKel
Originally Posted by netwizzard:

Hi Eric,

I just bought the Saturday FH based on your note.  So now we are 2 nights dry and FH on Saturday.




Ok Loren you are all set.  I refunded your Saturday night dry camping spot.

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