Okie Doke. I installed this today in about 5 minutes. I say installed, but really I just plugged in everything and tried it. I am using the pre-built platform for my WIFI antenna. I have an junction box that was already on my roof from my Solar, so I previously installed two plates to it. Sealed it with sealant, and then would shove my vertical wifi antenna in when not in motion (or when I needed it).
I adjusted it by backing out the screws slightly. I bought an L, and an steel electrical junction box cover (as did Big E). This sits firmly into the two straps, and then I tightened it down.
Powered up the unit, and went from 2 bars to 5 bars LTE (to be fair, I'm near a major metro area and do not normally have cell problems) I will be traveling to Asheville and can check it later this month. Ironically, I had no problem with this at the front of my camper and the interior antenna in the front of my camper. However, had more issues the further I went away from it. The dinette was about as far as I could go, and then it started oscillating. If I went to the back couch, it was fine again.

So the next thing I am going to purchase and test is this antenna: https://www.amazon.com/weBoost...RJ5PS45616Z759VBNBSK
It's a little different then what Big E tried.
To make my interior a little more permanent, I'm also going to try an internal antenna like this one: https://www.amazon.com/Wilson-...ords=weboost+antenna
I will compare between this and stock.
Edit: Just watched that video. Cool. Seems like they had about the same between the stubby and the OTR, but I'm willing to try it. I'll probably mount it to my roof rack. I might mount it to my flag pole, but I don't know if I have enough cabling. And the longer the cable the worse the reception.