We are fortunate here to camp year 'round. We dry camp 95% of the time. Much of that here in CA means no access to a dump station either. For example, our local SP cg is just 15 minutes away and we quite frequently run up there for spur-of-the-moment 1 or 2 night stays. It does not have a dump station. Nor is there a dump station anywhere in between our house and there.
Our local fairgrounds does have a dump station and it's only $5.00, but it is out of our way and really silly to have to drive over there to dump just 1 or 2 nights of minimal use when the entire purpose of our quick getaways is to pull the trailer out, go enjoy camping, return, and put the trailer away. Done.
We had a popup trailer for 12+ years and it had a Thetford cassette toilet that we loved having. So much so that we often wish the 1575 had one. If it weren't for our tent-end bunk I would actually install one like John/firemanthreeo did and then use the black tank as a second grey tank.
With a cassette toilet/porta potti you simply take the sealed 5-gallon waste tank/cassette and cleanly & easily empty it in to any flush toilet, vault toilet, gas station toilet, rest stop toilet, dump station, etc...
So, anticipating a lot of quick local fall & winter trips we finally pulled the trigger.
$109.00 delivered.
We went with the manual flush model as the battery flush model has a history of malfunctioning. Plus, we don't have to worry about batteries dying or corroding. Also, ours may go unused for 6 to 9 months at a time so we just wanted to have the option of having one, but also having one that wouldn't have issues.
And lastly, if we have an earthquake or other disaster we still have a toilet (although that wasn't a reason for buying one).
It will stay in its box in the garage on a shelf in between uses (once it has been cleaned & dried of course, ha).
Here it is -