Trip apps are constantly improving. I have used several different apps like Gas Buddy, ParkAdvisor, RV Trip Diary, AAA, RoadTrippers, KOA, Good Sam, Compendium, Host Camper, and a few others; but the best that I have found currently is RV Parky as it allows me to plan and budget, especially long trips, free, taking into account, mileage, fuel, stay duration, notes. I've used a written RV Trip log but that now seems redundant given the sophistication and ongoing app development.
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I have it downloaded but must confess I have never tried it out. I use RV Trip Wizzard because I can plan a trip on my laptop and open it on my phone once we are traveling. I can update it on the phone and then open it on the laptop later and everything is there. I also like that it provides RV-safe routes and warns if your route has anything, such as low overpasses or other non-RV-friendly obstructions.
I will have to check RV Parky out a little bit more. I just looked at it and it looks like it does many of the same things RV Trip Wizzard does.
Thanks, I forgot to add RV Trip Wizard which is now RV Life Trip Wizard. I have used it but not the premium one. I 'm reluctant at being retired to add annual monthly subscription costs for anything, not that we can't afford it, but just despise being constantly squeezed by these costs and having to keep track of them.
Thanks again! Larry

At the time I found Trip Wizzard I wasn't using my smart phone nearly as much as I do now. I had a very restrictive data plan so was careful not to go over my limit. Now that I don't have that consideration, I may have to play with other tools. I did start a trip in RV Parky and found it rather easy to use. I'll just have to continue playing with it. I didn't look to see if it would let you add fuel stops with actual prices for each fill-up vs. the totals it gives for estimated costs/fuel usage. Nor did I find where you can fill in what a campground costs per night, etc. Like I said, still playing with it.
@Larry Baumgart posted:Thanks, I forgot to add RV Trip Wizard which is now RV Life Trip Wizard. I have used it but not the premium one. I 'm reluctant at being retired to add annual monthly subscription costs for anything, not that we can't afford it, but just despise being constantly squeezed by these costs and having to keep track of them.
Thanks again! Larry
Hi Larry, RV Life Pro/Trip Wizard is also billed once annually, so easier to manage. I have no idea why they offer the $19.99 monthly plan when you can get it for $59 bucks in one annual payment. I've been using it for several years now, and find it essential for planning long trips, keeping track of favorite campgrounds, and more. I got "grandfathered in" for $39 bucks as a previous user of RV Trip Wizard when it became part of RV Life Pro.
RV Parky looks really good. Can you export the trip data into a Garman RV890? I have taken to building the trips on the computer in RV life trip wizard then reenter the trip data into the Garman.
I don't know, but found the RVParky administrator quite responsive. Interesting concept to be able to export a trip. We only input our current leg of the trip and now wondering what our other options are, especially without losing traffic ahead status.