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I recently installed a RecPro (Houghton) 9.5  BTU A/C in my 1997 Squire which was factory plumbed for A/C, but never had one. As I shopped around, I ran into supply issues, and my internet search led me to RecPro. Amazon had units ready to ship. The factory opening is 14” x 14” square but A/C requires rough opening of 14 3/16” for the mounting flange, so I had to cut the opening a tad bigger. Other than that, pretty basic install. Used butyl tape to seal the mounting flange to the roof, and added extra insurance with some Dicor S/Leveling sealant. Unit goes together pretty well and seems very well made with a touch of simple-but-effective European engineering (although it’s Australian). Once installed it ran flawlessly with power being supplied by a Honda EU2200i. Shore power had the same result (no sign of smoke from my wiring skills 😂). Very low profile on the exterior and interior sides. Time will tell but I’m looking forward to having cool air during the summer months. Purchased the unit from RecPro through their Amazon store. Very happy with it thus far…


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@Granit posted:

I recently installed a RecPro (Houghton) 9.5  BTU A/C in my 1997 Squire which was factory plumbed for A/C, but never had one. As I shopped around, I ran into supply issues, and my internet search led me to RecPro. Amazon had units ready to ship. The factory opening is 14” x 14” square but A/C requires rough opening of 14 3/16” for the mounting flange, so I had to cut the opening a tad bigger. Other than that, pretty basic install. Used butyl tape to seal the mounting flange to the roof, and added extra insurance with some Dicor S/Leveling sealant. Unit goes together pretty well and seems very well made with a touch of simple-but-effective European engineering (although it’s Australian). Once installed it ran flawlessly with power being supplied by a Honda EU2200i. Shore power had the same result (no sign of smoke from my wiring skills 😂). Very low profile on the exterior and interior sides. Time will tell but I’m looking forward to having cool air during the summer months. Purchased the unit from RecPro through their Amazon store. Very happy with it thus far…


That’s a good sign!

Just installed the Recpro Houghton 9.5 btu to replace the horribly noisy Coleman Mach 13.5.  It is SO quiet!!!  We have never used the Coleman because of the noise. We ordered it with our TT not knowing it was a waste of money.  At least I should be able to get something out of it on Craig's list.

The new unit was $1150. 9.5's are a bit more expensive that the Recpro 13.5 but it is lighter and less power requirements. The unit is about 1/2 the size of the Coleman with a much lower roof profile and 3/4 the weight.  With the lower power requirement, I was able to run it off the house 20amp/110 plug as a first run test.  It lowered the TT inside temp 15 degrees in under 2 hours and the TT has been heat soaking for weeks.  Outside air temp was 91.

Like Granit I installed the roof flange with butyl tape followed up with XTRM sealant around the edges.  The inside ceiling mount also did require some Dremel work at the corners to allow for sloppy roof frame welds.

Looking forward to some summer camping, but most of our trips are Fall, Winter, Spring.  Now my DW wants me figure out how to quiet down the furnace! 

3yr old post but most relevant to my question.

New to me - 1997 Lance Legend 500 10'9", no slides.  It's wired for AC but never had a unit installed.

I'm looking hard at the RecPro 9.5k but want to be sure it's sufficient.  We camp in Montana at high elevation in summer, rarely over 90* and cool nights.  We also boondock 99% so will rely on a Honda 2200i for power on the rare occasion we'll need it in the mountains.  (We might camp in NE NV occasionally, where it's much warmer).

Will I need the Soft Start for the Honda?

Is the Heat Pump worth $100. I'm not sure when I'd use it - morning showers?

Really curious if those of you with some time with the 9.5k are happy and would do it again?


Howdy, Gary. My Honda fires up the RecPro just fine, no issues. I didn’t opt for the heat pump aspect; my furnace is set at 59* when it’s cold outside, so really not an issue once you climb out of bed and get moving around. Lastly, I would do the RecPro 9.5 again for sure! Buy with confidence. Hope this helps…

I bought my RecPro Houghton AC back in 2021 before they offered the heat pump option so my experience is with AC only.   My Honda 2.2 will start my RecPro Houghton 9.5 at Michigan elevations in temps well into the upper 80's just fine with and without the Microair SoftStart.  However, the SoftStart reduces the starting inrush current at startup to approximately 30 amps and the Honda's max ouput rating is 18.3 amps so I believe it to be better for both the AC and the generator to use the SoftStart.

As for higher elevations,  my guess is that the Honda will still start the RecPro Houghton 9.5 AC,  but to avoid possibly of overloading the AC and or the generator, the SoftStart is only going to help.

The SoftStart is a tight fit in the RecPro Houghton 9.5.  I mounted mine under the condenser fan with ample VHB adhesive tape.  The newer small Microair 399 should be an easier fit and block less of the condenser coil.

o I believe it to be better for both the AC and the generator to use the SoftStart.


As for higher elevations,  my guess is that the Honda will still start the RecPro Houghton 9.5 AC but to avoid possibly of overloading the AC and or the generator, the SoftStart is only going to help.

Agree again.  Hadn't considered elevation.  I'll be at 6000'+ camping, always.  My house is at 5500'

The SoftStart is a tight fit in the RecPro Houghton 9.5.  I mounted mine under the condenser fan with ample VHB adhesive tape.  The newer small Microair 399 should be an easier fit and block less of the condenser coil.

Since the SoftStart is an option from RecPro, at a $400 premium, I'd assumed it would be installed at the factory?  I reach out to them to confirm.


As for what SoftStart to use,  the factory option was not available in 2021 and I don't think there were clones available for the MicroAir at that time either.  So my only experience is with Microair.     Being satisfied with Microair, I have stuck with them for the few that I have installed for family and friends.

As long as any SoftStart matches Microair's reduction is starting inrush current surge, it should not matter who supplied it.     I know it is a bit difficult to measure the starting inrush current surge,  but I would like to see some valid performance comparisons between the various softstarts that are now available.  For myself,  I would select the one that does the best job, if I knew which one that was.

The only way to measure the real in rush is to put a scope on it. Rule of thumb, in rush without a softstart is 7 to 10 times running current. A softstart works much the same as an inverter. SCRs fire to slowly allow the voltage to ramp up while limiting the current. An inverter, because it is mimicking full sine way can only allow about a 200% current inrush. Softstarts don't provide clean AC, just square wave pulses. They can go 7 times locked rotor current. Locked rotor is the same as normal FLA (full load running) amps.

I was seriously considering switching to RecPro 9.5k from my 11k.  Since 11k just handles 100° high humidity, I'm reconsidering.

If you check RecPro specs, 9.5 and 13.5 have very similar power requirements.

Unless you have shore power, heat pump, probably wouldn't be worth it.  Running generator to run heat pump, would use more fuel, than just using propane furnace.

What I would recommend, watch for take off AC that someone upgraded.  For my old camper, I got barely used 13.5 coleman unit for $200.  It started and ran fine, on 2,200i Honda.  I use premium ethanol free gas, it makes difference in power.

15k won't run on generator without soft start.

@Marky Mark posted:

The only way to measure the real in rush is to put a scope on it. Rule of thumb, in rush without a softstart is 7 to 10 times running current. A softstart works much the same as an inverter. SCRs fire to slowly allow the voltage to ramp up while limiting the current. An inverter, because it is mimicking full sine way can only allow about a 200% current inrush. Softstarts don't provide clean AC, just square wave pulses. They can go 7 times locked rotor current. Locked rotor is the same as normal FLA (full load running) amps.

Thank you for the best explanation of how a soft start works that I seen.   I am curious now, if the softstart is using a square wave during start-up,  does it also modify the sinewave once the compressor is running even though there is no current reduction?

My crude method for trying measure starting current consisted of a Fluke 87iii meter with min/max and fast peak settings along with a Fluke current transformer and let it trap the max current  on a number of starts.  The highest was 30.84 amps with the softstart.  The compressor has a FLA =8.75 (compressor only) and a LRA = 56 amps which is about 7 times so I am thinking the softstart cut starting current nearly in half.

I think your last sentence might have intended to say:  'Locked rotor amps (LRA) is the same as normal inrush starting current amps (i.e. without a soft start)'.

@RobertMT posted:

I was seriously considering switching to RecPro 9.5k from my 11k.  Since 11k just handles 100° high humidity, I'm reconsidering.

If you check RecPro specs, 9.5 and 13.5 have very similar power requirements.

fyi,   My 2021 RecPro Houghton A2801 9.5K (non heat pump)  has exactly the same Boyard KFA092T 8A compressor as the 2021 Dometic Penguin II 11K that I replaced.    

It wouldn't seem to me that the same compressor is going to make much difference in  the ability to dehumidify.  An AC is only going to dehumidify while the compressor is running  which is why it is not good to oversize an AC unit for an application.  The larger the AC, the less run time the compressor will have.

I don't know where RecPro came up with the amp specs on their website.   The label on my unit shows a full load running current of 10.75 amps if you add up the compressor and the two fans;

RecPro label

Actual readings from my 2021 A2801 9.5K AC are;

  Low Fan only: 0.60 amp             Low Fan with AC: 8.64 amp
  Med Fan only: 0.63 amp            Med Fan with AC: 8.75 amp
  High Fan only: 0.66 amp           High Fan with AC: 8.85 amp

I have seen others report similar readings.

In the end,  my RecPro 9.5 is quiet,  and I love it for that.


Images (1)
  • RecPro label
@RobertMT posted:

I was seriously considering switching to RecPro 9.5k from my 11k.  Since 11k just handles 100° high humidity, I'm reconsidering.

If you check RecPro specs, 9.5 and 13.5 have very similar power requirements.

Unless you have shore power, heat pump, probably wouldn't be worth it.  Running generator to run heat pump, would use more fuel, than just using propane furnace.

What I would recommend, watch for take off AC that someone upgraded.  For my old camper, I got barely used 13.5 coleman unit for $200.  It started and ran fine, on 2,200i Honda.  I use premium ethanol free gas, it makes difference in power.

15k won't run on generator without soft start.

My motivation for the Houghton RecPro is the quiet operation.  My 5th wheel AC is obnoxiously loud and annoying so don't want anything similar.  I also have to consider installed exterior height since I squeeze the Lance inside my shop with 11' door.

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