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Informal Lance Get Together at Woods Canyon Lake AZ "Aspen Campground" - June 2018

Woods Canyon Lake AZ - Aspen Campground

Woods Canyon Lake, AZ June 6-12

Jayne and I will be arriving at about 3-4pm on the 6th and will be at site #117.  If you have any questions please post it on the main discussion page for Current Rallies.  This is an "INFORMAL" Lance get together, no activities planned other than a nightly cocktail party for what ever beverage you like (BYOB)...  I'll have a ham radio set up and perches for hummingbird photography and other critters.  You are welcome to sit in or set up your camera along side mine and shoot away!!!



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Mustang03 posted:

Sorry to say it looks like we will not make it this time. We'll try again some time. Hope you have a great weekend.

Next time hopefully.  I just hope we get even a little bit of rain before we get there!  I’ll be posting a lot of photos from the get together.


Gene&Sherry posted:

Gene and I are bringing two of our grandsons, Nolan age 10, Oliver age 7 almost eight.  They expressed desire to learn to fish. So any fisherman that can share pointers with us, all are welcome! Can’t wait to meet you all!

The store at the lake has  all kinds of fishing supplies.  It’s not the biggest but has a lot of the most commonly used items there...


We are weeks outta Az, Utah & Co. Presently outside Santa Fe NM till Sunday morning when we head east. Thanks for the notifications! 

Fire warning here too in NM. Not even supposed to be smoking outdoors. Guess those hand rolled Dominicans in my "travel humidor" will have to wait!

 Woods canyon and willow lakes area remains open.  Enforcement is strict on fire restrictions. 


lewander posted:

OK, here are the attendees as far as I can determine from the postings here.  I'll attempt to make a chart out of it with screen names, REAL names, site #, and dates attending:

SITE    Screen name               REAL name                          Dates attending

107     MaricopaMike              Mike Noeltner                        June 8-10

108     AZCamp                      Lisa w/Cielo                           June 8-11

110     AZLuddy                      Kris & Jack                            June 6-7

(110) Gene&Sherry                Gene & Sherry                       June 8-10

114    Lewander                       Lew Anderson                      June 6-10

115    Bucky                           Brian, Rochelle, & Chrissy      June 9-12

116    JoeD                              Joe DeVita                              June 7-13

117   Rob & Jane Monsipapa  Ron & Jane Monsipapa          June 6-12

118   USMCSHEPHARD         Tim Gerdes                             June 8-11

119   AZCampers                   Leann & Richey w/Marlee        June 5-13

No site reserved, but planning on coming:

        Mustang03                       Bryan & Susan


    I hope I got all of you listed!!  If not, let me know.  I'm sure Rob will have some simple stick-on name tags for all of us to keep track of each other!!   

108 AZCamp Lisa and Rick   June 8-11

Cielo has been too ill to camp anymore.  I will leave her with my son.  

OK, here are the attendees as far as I can determine from the postings here.  I'll attempt to make a chart out of it with screen names, REAL names, site #, and dates attending:

SITE    Screen name               REAL name                          Dates attending

60       SNJNAZ                       Steve & Julie                         June

107     MaricopaMike              Mike Noeltner                        June 8-10

110     AZLuddy                      Kris & Jack                            June 6-7

(110) Gene&Sherry                Gene & Sherry                       June 8-10

114    Lewander                       Lew Anderson                      June 6-10

115    Bucky                           Brian, Rochelle, & Chrissy      June 9-12

116    JoeD                              Joe DeVita                              June 7-13

117   Rob & Jane Monsipapa  Ron & Jane Monsipapa          June 6-12

118   USMCSHEPHARD         Tim Gerdes                             June 8-11

119   AZCampers                   Leann & Richey w/Marlee        June 5-13

No site reserved, but planning on coming:

        Mustang03                       Bryan & Susan


    I hope I got all of you listed!!  If not, let me know.  I'm sure Rob will have some simple stick-on name tags for all of us to keep track of each other!!   

Last edited by lewander
Gene&Sherry posted:

Gene and I have Site #110 from the 8th to the 11th. You have another name on that spot. Should we be worried? I just checked my confirmation and it’s correct. 

Gene & Sherry,

No, don't worry!  You'll be coming up after AZLuddy leaves the site - or as they posted earlier:

Site #110 Weds/Thurs June 6th and 7th   We'll be in the Aliner....I am looking forward to meeting some Lance owners!  I'm hoping to get my own Lance in the next couple of years.  See you soon.

Kris and Jack the Boxer

lewander posted:

OK, here are the locations of those that have responded SO FAR!  If needed, I can add a printed list of sites and names, but for now it's just a updateable map...

Woods Canyon Lake campsites

Gene and I have Site #110 from the 8th to the 11th. You have another name on that spot. Should we be worried? I just checked my confirmation and it’s correct. 

Well so much for even the possibility of coming up.  Our brand new (picked it up last Tuesday) 1475 is caught up in the big de-lamentation issue that is going on with units made earlier this year.  It's going back to Prescott tomorrow, then possibly trucked on to Lancaster to have the front end taken off and repaired.

Enjoy, and maybe we can join on another AZ get-together once the unit is returned. 

AZCamp posted:
Rob Monsipapa posted:
AZCamp posted:
Rob Monsipapa posted:

OK Everyone, if you are going to this “informal gathering” sound off with name and site number. Lew has kindly offered to put a list of attendees together.  I’ll start, but just tag onto this thread so we get everyone...

Rob & Jayne Monsipapa  SITE 117 Arrive  (3 dogs Dillion, Mason and Emma)

It will be great to be in 108!  This will be the first time towing by myself and parking by myself.  Fun times.  

Let me know when you will be getting there and I’ll help out, what ever you need... Rob

Thank you Rob!  I will be coming up probably after work on the 8th.  

If you need any help we will be there in the late morning neighbor !!!! Glad to help out !!!!

Sorry been gone since Friday morning early  just now getting caught up . We will be arriving Friday June 8th site 107 staying until Sunday then moving over to Black Canyon Rim campground to hopefully see the herd of wild horses . Heading home from there on Monday . Myself my Wife and two dogs . Just got home from Carlsbad caverns New Mexico with the TT . Had a blast !!!

Rob Monsipapa posted:
AZCamp posted:
Rob Monsipapa posted:

OK Everyone, if you are going to this “informal gathering” sound off with name and site number. Lew has kindly offered to put a list of attendees together.  I’ll start, but just tag onto this thread so we get everyone...

Rob & Jayne Monsipapa  SITE 117 Arrive  (3 dogs Dillion, Mason and Emma)

It will be great to be in 108!  This will be the first time towing by myself and parking by myself.  Fun times.  

Let me know when you will be getting there and I’ll help out, what ever you need... Rob

Thank you Rob!  I will be coming up probably after work on the 8th.  

Last edited by AZCamp
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