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Informal Lance Get Together at Woods Canyon Lake AZ "Aspen Campground" - June 2018

Woods Canyon Lake AZ - Aspen Campground

Woods Canyon Lake, AZ June 6-12

Jayne and I will be arriving at about 3-4pm on the 6th and will be at site #117.  If you have any questions please post it on the main discussion page for Current Rallies.  This is an "INFORMAL" Lance get together, no activities planned other than a nightly cocktail party for what ever beverage you like (BYOB)...  I'll have a ham radio set up and perches for hummingbird photography and other critters.  You are welcome to sit in or set up your camera along side mine and shoot away!!!



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usmcshepherd posted:

Just wondering if this group is going to get together again this year? I had planned to go last year but got caught up in work and couldn’t go...looking to get out a little more this year as things settle down a little more for us.

I just posted the trip into on the events page....


I’m glad everyone had such a good time last year.  We consider it our little corner of the world and the best escape from the heat of the valley.

We will be back at our usual site but we would rather not host every night.  We could do one night and it would be nice if anyone that shows up would like to host any additional evening get togethers.  

We enjoyed meeting everyone last year and had some good laughs and great weather.  June weather is almost always the best of the entire season.

We will be there from June 6 - 10 at site 117.  Normally it’s our longest trip but I’m short on vacation time.  Can’t wait till I retire and this becomes a none issue.

Rob & Jayne Monsipapa

usmcshepherd posted:

Just wondering if this group is going to get together again this year? I had planned to go last year but got caught up in work and couldn’t go...looking to get out a little more this year as things settle down a little more for us.

I sure hope so, Tim!  It was a wonderful time in a beautiful setting.  Maybe Rob will post another Gathering for this year!  (hint, hint)

Rob Monsipapa posted:
lewander posted:

What an outstanding, memorable weekend!!  Rob, you hit it out of the park!  As you probably assumed, I was intrigued by your photography and the ham radio setup you had up there.  It was absolutely fascinating watching your efforts to get the best shots of the birds and the communication with folks all over the western hemisphere via your radio and wire set up in the trees!  I truly enjoyed the weekend!!!

You were a welcome addition to the group Lew, you added a lot of spice to our 6pm happy hour.  Loved the shot assortment and the girls, what a hit of the gathering..  Thanks for coming Lew!

Starting to post photos Lew, save the link, got a lot more to post:


Rob Monsipapa posted:
Rob Monsipapa posted:
MaricopaMike posted:

Had a great time at the Woods Canyon meet up !!!! Great to meet all of you and the cool weather and abundant wild life was awesome !!! Here are some of the pictures that Kari took .


Mike and Kari,

thanks for making the trip.  Hope to see you guys next year, I want to go on one of your morning walk-abouts...  I think you had the right idea!  Great back lit shot Kari, love the baby elk pic, never gets old.  Our next door neighbors took their inflatable boat to the lake this morning and saw a femal go into the lake and bathe for about 20min....  i’d Kill to get photos of that!!!  Next time you guys.


Kari, remember me telling you about the female elks calling for the herd???  There is one calling for them right now, she sounds like she is right across the street from us, it’s almost 11pm...  i’ll Find tha video clip and send it to you!  Sounds sooo cool!

Starting to post photos guys, got a lot more to post so save the link:


FairJim posted:

Donna and I had a great time, even though we had to leave early. Was glad we got to meet everyone. Hope to see everyone in the near future.

Got the trailer back from Tom's today, repaired Frig.  It required a new controller board (normally takes two weeks if order (but they took one from another unit).  They also had to replace the CO/Gas detector (it kept alarming). The Generator did not work any better back here in the valley, so I used the Costco liberal return policy and got a full refund.

Ya, it was a bummer that you guys had to leave early...  got a photo gallery started, keep checking it for new photos...  I have a lot more to post.


Donna and I had a great time, even though we had to leave early. Was glad we got to meet everyone. Hope to see everyone in the near future.

Got the trailer back from Tom's today, repaired Frig.  It required a new controller board (normally takes two weeks if order (but they took one from another unit).  They also had to replace the CO/Gas detector (it kept alarming). The Generator did not work any better back here in the valley, so I used the Costco liberal return policy and got a full refund.

lewander posted:

What an outstanding, memorable weekend!!  Rob, you hit it out of the park!  As you probably assumed, I was intrigued by your photography and the ham radio setup you had up there.  It was absolutely fascinating watching your efforts to get the best shots of the birds and the communication with folks all over the western hemisphere via your radio and wire set up in the trees!  I truly enjoyed the weekend!!!

You were a welcome addition to the group Lew, you added a lot of spice to our 6pm happy hour.  Loved the shot assortment and the girls, what a hit of the gathering..  Thanks for coming Lew!

What an outstanding, memorable weekend!!  Rob, you hit it out of the park!  As you probably assumed, I was intrigued by your photography and the ham radio setup you had up there.  It was absolutely fascinating watching your efforts to get the best shots of the birds and the communication with folks all over the western hemisphere via your radio and wire set up in the trees!  I truly enjoyed the weekend!!!

Gene&Sherry posted:

Rob and Jayne,

I want to thank you both for organizing a wonderful getaway for us 595E8E82-BA1D-441F-84AC-3186B63BB4CC37EF62B2-6487-4708-8E0E-03BCE4C77C58Arizona Lance Owners. Woods Canyon Lake is now going to be a recurring trip for us. May never have found it without your invite, thanks again.

So good to meet new friends and share our love of the outdoors! The grandsons got their first fish and more! All in all a super weekend. 

And Jayne I’m looking for those thingamajigs for the top of my glasses! 

Looking forward to seeing you all again on the road!

Gene and Sherry

Jayne says they are at Bed Bath and Beyond...  glad you guys could make it...

Rob Monsipapa posted:
MaricopaMike posted:

Had a great time at the Woods Canyon meet up !!!! Great to meet all of you and the cool weather and abundant wild life was awesome !!! Here are some of the pictures that Kari took .


Mike and Kari,

thanks for making the trip.  Hope to see you guys next year, I want to go on one of your morning walk-abouts...  I think you had the right idea!  Great back lit shot Kari, love the baby elk pic, never gets old.  Our next door neighbors took their inflatable boat to the lake this morning and saw a femal go into the lake and bathe for about 20min....  i’d Kill to get photos of that!!!  Next time you guys.


Kari, remember me telling you about the female elks calling for the herd???  There is one calling for them right now, she sounds like she is right across the street from us, it’s almost 11pm...  i’ll Find tha video clip and send it to you!  Sounds sooo cool!

Gene&Sherry posted:

Rob and Jayne,

I want to thank you both for organizing a wonderful getaway for us 595E8E82-BA1D-441F-84AC-3186B63BB4CC37EF62B2-6487-4708-8E0E-03BCE4C77C58Arizona Lance Owners. Woods Canyon Lake is now going to be a recurring trip for us. May never have found it without your invite, thanks again.

So good to meet new friends and share our love of the outdoors! The grandsons got their first fish and more! All in all a super weekend. 

And Jayne I’m looking for those thingamajigs for the top of my glasses! 

Looking forward to seeing you all again on the road!

Gene and Sherry

Gene and Sherry,

Thanks for coming, you two were a great addition to the 6pm happy hour! You were a joy to have as part of the group...  hope to see you at a future gathering.

Rob & Jayne

MaricopaMike posted:

Had a great time at the Woods Canyon meet up !!!! Great to meet all of you and the cool weather and abundant wild life was awesome !!! Here are some of the pictures that Kari took .


Mike and Kari,

thanks for making the trip.  Hope to see you guys next year, I want to go on one of your morning walk-abouts...  I think you had the right idea!  Great back lit shot Kari, love the baby elk pic, never gets old.  Our next door neighbors took their inflatable boat to the lake this morning and saw a femal go into the lake and bathe for about 20min....  i’d Kill to get photos of that!!!  Next time you guys.


Wow, I’m sitting here on the last night of the Woods Canyon Lake trip and thinking I don’t want to go back the the valley.  Met some truly great people, laughed a lot, got a lot of photos to be posed here.  

Thanks to everyone that made the trip.  Without all of you the memories wouldn’t  be the same.  We had a few windy days but the temps at night were great and not too hot during the day.  Loved, loved, loved the 6pm happy hour!  What a great time.  I can now put another birthday in the logbook as one of my favorite memories! Home made peanut brittle, Lew’s home Brew bar shots (that special Jack Daniels brew was soooooth), fish tails to talk about next year (got to sink that hook), lots of wildlife shots to post (was great to have another photographer in the group), never take in and house train a wild jack rabbit (the bites are painful), Tia, Marley, and Lew’s shelty are the BEST.....  There is more..  you all just have to come up and experience it for your self!

I’ll get photos posted in my smugmug site and post the link here as soon as I can.

safe travels everyone.

Rob & Jayne Monsipapa

Rob and Jayne,

I want to thank you both for organizing a wonderful getaway for us 595E8E82-BA1D-441F-84AC-3186B63BB4CC37EF62B2-6487-4708-8E0E-03BCE4C77C58Arizona Lance Owners. Woods Canyon Lake is now going to be a recurring trip for us. May never have found it without your invite, thanks again.

So good to meet new friends and share our love of the outdoors! The grandsons got their first fish and more! All in all a super weekend. 

And Jayne I’m looking for those thingamajigs for the top of my glasses! 

Looking forward to seeing you all again on the road!

Gene and Sherry


Images (2)
  • 595E8E82-BA1D-441F-84AC-3186B63BB4CC
  • 37EF62B2-6487-4708-8E0E-03BCE4C77C58
lewander posted:

I arrived in Mesa a bit after 1pm.  When I hooked up to electricity, everything is working great - except the refrigerator.  I've run some checks with the help of Rick at Lance Service and it looks like I have a circuit board failure.  I phoned Tom's Camperland and they will not work on a unit that wasn't sold by them!  Bad on Tom's Camperland!!!!  And Camping World would have to order the part - a three week wait!  Looks like I'll be heading back to Yuma tomorrow morning.

If anybody wants to come up and needs a site, mine will be available for you.  Site 116 from Wednesday until Sunday.  Just let me know...

I am NOT a happy camper right now!!!!!!

Wow, sorry to hear that...  I'm surprised about Tom's, we have been going there for years and they always take care of us.  I would think warranty work no matter where the rig came from would not be an issue!  I'll have to find out what their policy is.

CALL ME 480-250-5332

Got 2 good repair companies here in the valley that work on Lance and do warranty repairs.  Tom's uses them also when they get slammed with work.

1st choice Timothy at Primitive RV 602-446-3576

2nd choice Ben 480-276-0906

Last edited by Rob Monsipapa
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