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Informal Lance Get Together at Woods Canyon Lake AZ "Aspen Campground" - June 2018

Woods Canyon Lake AZ - Aspen Campground

Woods Canyon Lake, AZ June 6-12

Jayne and I will be arriving at about 3-4pm on the 6th and will be at site #117.  If you have any questions please post it on the main discussion page for Current Rallies.  This is an "INFORMAL" Lance get together, no activities planned other than a nightly cocktail party for what ever beverage you like (BYOB)...  I'll have a ham radio set up and perches for hummingbird photography and other critters.  You are welcome to sit in or set up your camera along side mine and shoot away!!!



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AZcampers posted:
AZCamp posted:

The closest I could get was site 108. I have reservations from Friday the 8th to Monday the 11th. 

Lisa, it will be great to meet you.   We also have a Cattledog, Marlee,  that always comes camping with us.

It will be great to meet you too! We don't live far from each other either.  I won't be bringing Cielo as she doesn't camp well anymore.  

AZCamp posted:

The closest I could get was site 108. I have reservations from Friday the 8th to Monday the 11th. 

Lisa, it will be great to meet you.   We also have a Cattledog, Marlee,  that always comes camping with us.

Wow, I just did a run down on the sites reserved for our informal get together: 107,108,110,111,114,116,117,118,119

It's going to be cool to see so many Lance campers in this section.  I think I need to do a special event t-shirt for this.  I'll post it when I get it done. :-)

This is the start of our camping season for us, just when the Phoenix area is heating up so we are REALLY looking forward to meeting everyone!


MaricopaMike posted:

Just made reservations for June 8 and 9 site 107 . See you all there !!

Cool, great to add another Lance member to the trip. You have a member right next to you in 108 and we will be in 117.  Looking forward to meeting you!  Plan on a nightly happy hour at our site!


I will be coming up for a couple nights (6th & 7th)  Thanks Gene and Sherry for bringing this get-together to my attention.  I've got a few questions about Lances!  And I'm looking forward to meeting some Lance folks.  See you in June!  Campsite #110 June 6,7


Last edited by AZLuddy

I just saw this. Was it ever posted in the discussion? Wish I could have made it but it's only a week apart from the annual SCIO.
I've been trying for the past 3 years to have someone do a GTG who lives in CO. All I got was places to camp but no one wanted to set it up. 
Thank you Rob for doing this. My U.S. map looks like it's missing a tooth and it's CO.
I'm planning on a trip there this year so I'll keep in touch, maybe we can hook up since you know the places....

Last edited by pau hana
Joe D posted:

It appears we have a reservation conflict. I made a reservation for site #116 on Dec.10th arriving Thu June 7, departing Wed Jun 13 and have written confirmation from

Yeah, I mistakenly said site #116.    The correct site is #114!  Just a slip of my index finger on the keyboard.  I'll arrive on Wednesday, the 6th, and depart on Sunday, the 10th.  I'll probably move down to Canyon Point and check in there for a couple of days or more.  I won't be in a big hurry to get back to the heat!!

When I made my reservations last night site #111 was still showing available!

Also we will have a dog or two along with us as well as the human kind of little ones! I expect our older son will opt to stay in Yuma working and doing school!



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lewander posted:


I have site #116, right next to you and across from Rob.  I MAY have two generators with me - you could use one of them, if needed.


It appears we have a reservation conflict. I made a reservation for site #116 on Dec.10th arriving Thu June 7, departing Wed Jun 13 and have written confirmation from

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