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Tagged With "Gathering"


Re: Bulliards Beach Small Gathering

Gus ·
After attending SCIO, we're hoping to attend a day or two or three prior to heading back east. I've not yet attempted to reserve a site.

Re: Bulliards Beach Small Gathering

ck722 ·
Hmmm. It just so happens I will be in loop B, #52 Jun 24-27. I will try to connect! what fun. Joe Fowler/CK722

Re: Bulliards Beach Small Gathering

Farfaraway ·
We will be arriving on June 26th and departing on June 30th site C60. Can't wait to meet other Lance owners! Ronda and Dale 2018 1985

Re: Great Plains Gathering 5 - Casual Get-Together

BoondockIt ·
Moving into my new home at this time, Bummer I will not be able to make it.

Re: Great Plains Gathering 5 - Casual Get-Together

ms.camper ·
Where is Melvern Outlet COE < > park? *Jane Grant* On Wed, Apr 7, 2021 at 12:18 PM Lance Owners of America <> wrote:

Re: Great Plains Gathering 5 - Casual Get-Together

Art Buell ·
The answer may be in the announcement, but I don't see it. In which state is this event being held?

Re: Great Plains Gathering 5 - Casual Get-Together

KS Farm Girl ·
This is in Kansas, just south of Topeka about 40 miles.

Re: Great Plains Gathering 5 - Casual Get-Together

Doug, aka Atchafalaya Man ·
Re: Great Plains Gathering 5 - Casual Get-Together

Re: Great Plains Gathering 5 - Casual Get-Together

Ragbag ·
My wife and I are looking forward to seeing our old friends. My wife is planning on having her Segway there so she can terrorize the park.

Re: Great Plains Gathering 5 - Casual Get-Together

Soooo, is Texas considered part of the Great Plains? I'm we have plains and they are great... Asking for a friend.

Re: Great Plains Gathering 5 - Casual Get-Together

KS Farm Girl ·
Of course, Texas is part of the Great Plains! Tell your "friend" to make a reservation and join us for a relaxing get-together. More info on the Discussion Page .

Re: Great Plains Gathering 5 - Casual Get-Together

SotJot ·
We'll be there Wednesday and Thursday nights only. Looking forward to seeing everyone.

Re: Great Plains Gathering 5 - Casual Get-Together

Cliff & Barbara B ·
We plan to be there.

Re: Great Plains Gathering 5 - Casual Get-Together

White Horse ·
This is pretty close to me. What is there to do there and what is the cost? Regards, WH

Re: Great Plains Gathering 5 - Casual Get-Together

Doug, aka Atchafalaya Man ·
Go to this 'Discussion thread' for the latest and to make comments. https://community.lanceowners....ther-discussion-page

Re: Great Plains Gathering 5 - Casual Get-Together

KS Farm Girl ·
The cost will be a donation, typically the ask if $5 per camping unit. This covers the cost of renting the pavilion ($80 total there) and anything else that we do as a group. We have not decided if there will be a potluck supper this year or not. I want to wait to see what the states are saying around that time frame. One suggestion has been a "Bring Your Own Supper" and join us in the pavilion to eat. That way no one has to worry about multiple people handling the same serving spoons, etc.

Re: Great Plains Gathering 5 - Casual Get-Together

Bjk ·
Brad and Lea here, just made reservations Sept 22-27 site 089 Can't wait, had a great time at the Superior Rally

Re: Great Plains Gathering 5 - Casual Get-Together

WestOGuy ·
I like the "...bring your own supper*..." idea, but IMHO, I would think it would be Ok if folks wanted to bring something to share - like cookies, bars...etc. Hard to say what changes "they" might recommend between now and then. Outdoor events haven't been hampered much to date. "Easygoing...", I agree, folks should feel comfortable to just enjoy the weekend surrounded by fellow Lancers - whether that means gathering close with others, or connecting from a bit further away...either is fine.

Re: Great Plains Gathering 5 - Casual Get-Together

Roadie ·
Well poop! We have to cancel. I thought Sherry and I would be there for sure. I have a follow up on oral surgery (tooth extraction due to root canal going bad) on the 21st and with the urologist on the 27th (not related to the 🦷 ). Roadie and I just bought a 2018 1062 a couple of weeks ago and wanted to pick everyone’s brain,,, in person! Y'all have fun. Maybe next time. Dave

Re: Great Plains Gathering 5 - Casual Get-Together

KS Farm Girl ·
Glad no one was hurt. Trucks and campers can be repaired. Hope to see you next time.

Re: Great Plains Gathering 5 - Casual Get-Together

Ragbag ·
i want to let you know that Barb and Bob will not be able to attend the Great Plains Gathering. I (Bob) made a mistake and I messed up the Truck and Camper (accident). No body got hurt, that is all that really matters, just my pride. See you all in the future..

Re: Great Plains Gathering 5 - Casual Get-Together

WestOGuy ·
Well that's a bummer...but stuff happens! Glad all are Ok.

Re: Gathering Before SCIO - Rivers Edge RV Camping -Clatskanie, Oregon

pau hana ·
@CharlesS Please read instructions above. Post on Discussion thread with info. Arrival and departure dates. Thomas might not monitor the announcement as much as the Discussion thread.

Re: Gathering Before SCIO - Rivers Edge RV Camping -Clatskanie, Oregon

Charles S ·
Hi there, We reserved site #26. Charles and Jan Stephens On Thursday, August 3, 2023 at 10:26:34 PM PDT, Lance Owners of America < > wrote: | == To reply by email, write above this line. == | | | | New Event | | Main CalendarIn Between Gathering (IBG) - Clatskanie, Oregon 6/17/24, 2:00 PM - 6/24/24, 11:00 AM (Pacific Daylight Time) June 17 -24, 2024 Great gathering on near the Lower Columbia River. This is a brand new RV Park with...

Re: Great Plains Gathering #8

Cliff & Barbara B ·
We're going

Re: Great Plains Gathering #8

Katie Mae ·
Wouldn't miss it!

Re: Great Plains Gathering #8

KS Farm Girl ·
Do you have your campsite yet?

Re: Great Plains Gathering #8

Ragbag ·
Barb Bob are going.

Great Plains Gathering #8


Re: Great Plains Gathering #8

Drkend ·
We will be there we have site 67 reserved

Re: Great Plains Gathering #8

NDbirder ·
I plan to be there. Site 82
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