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Northern CA LOA rally - 1/17/14 to 1/19/14 (1/20 for some)

Lake Solano Park

Nothing more than a reason to get together!  


*Complete thread with info. (updated as needed);


8685 Pleasants Valley Rd., Winters, CA 95694

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Attending so far (as of 1/13/14):

Red Barchetta - site 28

KPorsch - site 29

Ann & Bill - site 33

dds - site 25

R. Spiker - site 34

skephart - site 24

Bruce H. - site 32

xfootdoc - site 19

Allenc - site 18

Camelot - site 14

firemanthreeo - site to be determined upon arrival

Tedg - site to be determined upon arrival

ycswat - site to be determined upon arrival

BigWaveDave - site to be determined upon arrival

EFerrier - site to be determined upon arrival

Scott and Kathleen - site to be determined upon arrival

Last edited by Red Barchetta

Here's another late addition Jeff. Originally thought we weren't going to be able to make it but we rescheduled some things and would love to attend if it's OK?  We plan to arrive Friday (before dark and hopefully get a spot) and Depart Sunday morning. We'll bring some deserts for the potluck and Alice and I will be accompanied by our long haired Chihuahua, Sarah Marie. This really sounds like a lot of fun and we're looking forward to meeting everybody and checking out all the other Lances.


P.S. I'll also post this on the main rally thread.

Sounds good John!  Looking forward to meeting Clare as well.  

I'm not sure, but I think WoodGlue (4 nights) might be arriving on Thursday as well.  That or a Tuesday departure.

I have added your info. to the first post in the main rally thread.

Thanks for the s'mores as well as the offer to reserve sites for the other non-reserved attendees!  

I will also cut-n-paste your post to the main rally thread which is here:


*This is the "rally calendar" thread which is very confusing.

No worries as I will check this thread until rally time, but the link above is where you can get all the rally info. as well as add any comments, communal items, etc...

Glad you are going to make it!  

Last edited by Red Barchetta

i missed the online booking window...late as usual! i'll probably come up thursday and leave saturday. i'd hate to arrive friday on a holiday weekend and find all the good "first come, first serve" site taken. if there is a way i can hold sites for other "first come, first serve" campers, i'd be happy to do that. i have no problem paying in advance for anyone here. 


unfortunately, i require a complex diet due to kidney failure, so i'll be out for the group meals. i will however bring plenty of my favorite s'more fixins...thank god s'mores aren't hard on the kidneys!


my girlfriend (Clare) and my dachshund/chihuahua mix (Oliver) will also be attending,


looking forward to seeing you all there,



Hi Allen/Allenc,

Welcome to LOA and glad to hear that you are going to join us!  

This rally will be a great place for you to gain some good knowledge about your new 2285.  


Let me know how many nights you will be staying.  For now I will put down 2 nights until you confirm.


This thread that you have posted in is the calendar thread which is fine, but it also is sort of a goofy thread that doesn't show up in "Recent" posts or discussions on the main LOA forum page so posts can get lost or missed for a while.


The main rally thread is this one:


As you will see, the first post in the main rally thread has all of the current information.  That is the best thread to reply to when posting about the rally.  Such as when you finalize your reservation, chime in with additional items to bring or activities you might want to be included in, ...

I will add you to the rally in that thread.


Again, glad to hear that you will be joining us.  

Last edited by Red Barchetta
Originally Posted by Red Barchetta:

Hi Daphne -

Again, welcome to LOA!  


Sorry to hear that you can't make it.  If Randy is free that weekend we would love to have him join us!

Here is the official thread with all of the information:

Hi Jeff,


We also purchase our Lance 2285 this month.  i had a class C but sold that for this TT and am rather new to towing.  So far its been a real learning experience.  We're getting antsy about taking it out So I started surfing and came across your rally.  We would like to meet up with you guys and spend the weekend getting to know everyone and do some activities.  I'm trying to reserve #18 right now.  Can you give me some ideas on what to bring and contribute to the potluck and other eats.  




Allen and Jill and two little dogs

Wow, we are the little rally that could like the little train... I think I can, I think I can and now look where we are!   Awesome!  


Is it time to start a conversation on a a schedule and suggestions on communal meals?  There was a conversation on a breakfast but not sure what else has been discussed.  


if we have some suggestions, I will put together an itinerary to post in a common area.  


Friday afternoon/evening everyone will be arriving and setting up so an easy potluck of food and beverages would probably work best. 


Saturday morning might be the ideal time for the big breakfast so the folks arriving on Friday late can join and meet and greet.   


Activities: mod tour.  An opportunity to tour and discuss, share, and show off your mods. 

Birding.  I am an amateur birder and would love to have some fellow birders go on a walk to see what we can find in the park other than peacocks. :-) 

kayak/canoe - we are bringing our kayaks, they are touring kayaks so anyone is welcome to try them out and if you bring your own or bring a canoe, this is a nice little lake with flat water and lots of birds and wildlife to see.  

Fishing -  I  (ann) would love a quick lesson on fly fishing if there is anyone interested in sharing.  

Scavenger hunt - if there are kids in the group, we can put together a scavenger hunt for the kids. Pine cones, feathers, acorn, etc.  



I will keep an eye on the tread and start the list of times and activities.  



Originally Posted by Ann & Bill:

Just received confirmation we will have Lance swag for the rally, hats, mugs, keychains, etc.  yahoo!  


Now I just need to hit up CW for some gift cards, swag, etc. 




Way to go Ann!   

Thank you for all of your initial work & follow-up work on this!!  Fun!  



My husband & I just purchased our Lance Camper 1191 this weekend and have recently become LOA members!  This forum stuff is all new to me, but I'll give it a shot!


Anyways, I was excited to see that there will be a rally in January 2014 at Lake Solano Park.. this is great because it's near where we live!  The only bad thing is that we have a conflict in the dates.  I work in the sales industry and I'll be away at a trade show.  Although we have friends that we always go camping with (in fact, we'll be in Bodega Bay over the Thanksgiving holiday, we also owned a trailer before we bought the camper.) it would be fun to branch out and meet other folks.  So, I hope when the next rally comes around, we'll be able to join you guys... this sure sounds like fun!

Thanks Kevin,


A communal firepit is a thing of beauty when camping with new friends.  Gives you a chance to sit around and talk about fishing, camping trips, the days activities and of course, our beloved Lance TC and TT's!



Had a nice, relaxing trip up to Collins Lake this weekend. The lake level was down and the weather was cool but the DW limited out on trout (as usual)!  Met up with Loanshark and friends (really nice folks).  Compared notes on our Lance trailers and overall had a very relaxing weekend.


Truly wish we could make it to the Northern CA LAO rally in January but, due to prior commitments, we won't be able to. Did see one other Lance TC at Collins and a couple on the road on the way home.

Sites 28 & 29 are right next to each other and in an open area. The table at site 29 also is not chained down so we may be able to move it if needed. Between the two fire pits in that area we should be good or if we move the table we could probably get around the one in site 29.

I just reserved site #29. Let us all know where you all will be when you book.


It will be my Wife and I and our two young daughters.


We will be coming Friday and leaving Monday.


We are Looking forward to meeting you all.


Last edited by KPorsch
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