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We’ve used Happy Camper in our C glass and our lance trailer!!! It’s the best by far… As a resident of California I have to send it to sons house in Nevada and get it from him… Crazy regulations, nothing we California folks can do…. Besides moving out of state…

That is what I did 19 years ago. It was a great decision. It seems that scores are following me. I have several friends who are just putting their last few years in to get their retirement. Some have already bought property out of state and are waiting for the magic day.

My family moved to CA in the mid 50's, I graduated HS in 1969 and it truly was the Golden State; I could not conceive of living anywhere else. But alas, things changed......

I ordered the unique, I sit for several months, every summer and use macerator.  I normally move every two weeks, but with temps in 90s and above, I've been noticing it.

They have several choices, extra strength, classic and liquid/pods, along with cleaners and such.

Walmart had decent price on both, extra strength was almost double of classic, but classic is available for pick up.  I ordered extra strength liquid, for summer, but will probably go with classic on the road.  I've tried "pods" before, in other products and they didn't travel well in heat and humidity.

@RobertMT posted:

I ordered the unique, I sit for several months, every summer and use macerator.  I normally move every two weeks, but with temps in 90s and above, I've been noticing it.

They have several choices, extra strength, classic and liquid/pods, along with cleaners and such.

Walmart had decent price on both, extra strength was almost double of classic, but classic is available for pick up.  I ordered extra strength liquid, for summer, but will probably go with classic on the road.  I've tried "pods" before, in other products and they didn't travel well in heat and humidity.

I have found, both with HC and Unique, that after a few weeks it is good to add some additional treatment to the partially filled tank.

@RobertMT posted:

I have to report, after week of adding Unique, tank still doesn't smell like roses, in 90°+ temps.  I'm hopeful those stinky little bugs are happy at least.

During our last trip our blank tank was super funky on the first night after driving 200 miles in 100+ temps. I added a bunch of the Unique toilet cleaner, which was all I had on hand but has the same microbes as the tank treatment, along with several gallons of fresh water before our 250 mile drive to the next stop. The smell was much better when we arrived. I went to Ace the next day and found the Unique tank treatment. I added a few ounces and the tank had zero smell for the rest of the trip, but the ambient temps were a lot lower there.

You may need to dump, add your treatment with ~5 gallons of water, then drive a few miles to really agitate things. The bacteria needs to bloom.

Last edited by MrFancypants

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