It’s time to renew the insurance on our 2019, 1985 trailer. I would really appreciate some opinions from members who had to make claims and if you were satisfied.
We have a policy with Progressive, but have never made a claim. Any satisfied customers out there? Premium is $500. / Yr. Thanks!
Replies sorted oldest to newest
I have Hartford thru AARP. Had a claim and they took great care of me. My RV repair place liked working with them. First accident I've had in 30 years. Hartford didn't cancel my insurance, but they doubled my premium. LOL! Can't win sometimes. But I do win most times. Wendy

We have USAA. Some say that USAA sends them to Progressive or other companies but we have insured a TC and 2 TTs directly through them. They have paid 2 claims for us over a 20 yr period. Both were paid quickly: one was for broken glass and one totaled our previous TT.
If you can get USAA, I recommend it. I've been a member for over 40 yrs and have been pleased with their services for home, auto and RV.
I have USAA and they sent me to Progressive. I've never filed a claim. I'm interested in the responses.
I had Progressive when my power post in our resort was struck by lightning. It's did nearly $9000.00 electrical damage. Since I had no claims for over five years I had no deductible. They even covered stuff that was discovered after filing the claim. My insurance did go up, but minimally.
Does your $500 premium just cover your Lance? Thanks Wendy

@Tam posted:I have USAA and they sent me to Progressive. I've never filed a claim. I'm interested in the responses.
I think the USAA vs USAA/Progressive depends on your state. We were in Colorado when we took out the first 2 policies and Kansas for the Lance. Maybe they aren't licensed in some states to offer RV insurance and have an agreement with Progressive? But that is only a guess.
Im in Az and yes, it is for the trailer only. We have a separate policy directly with them for 2 autos. The rates go up every year, and for the first 3 or 4 years they covered the full replacement cost of a new trailer. Now it only covers up to current value which is waaaaay less. Funny, so why is my premium higher?
When we got our new to us 1172 we just went to our regular Allstate agent. WOW! We gat an astounding quote of $4000 a year. I questioned it and asked for a recheck k. Yes that’s correct. I had heard on this forum that Progressive was the go to. Got a quote,$1000 for a full year. Done. Not sure I understand why, but Allstate is trying to limit exposure by not writing new policy’s. Our son was just informed by Allstate they were no longer writing his business liability policy. They really dropped him in the grease! Insurance is a pain!
My State Farm TT coverage and my personal umbrella coverage both went up almost 50% this year! Can't wait to get my homeowners!!!
Thanks folks. I called Progressive and found out after 5 years, our deductible has gone from $500.00 to zero, so I guess I’ll stay with them.
The insurance with State Farm on our 2018 model 1995 is $179 a year with a $1,000 deductible. It covers physical damage to the trailer. Liability coverage goes with the tow vehicle. We haven’t had any claims.
Shelter Insurance with full coverage on TT 2375, $250 deductible for $83 a month. Have all my trailers, vehicles, home and business through them though and have for over 30 years. Always taken good care of my family even after two back to back claims for hail-o-bullets, 100mph straight line winds and biblical floods in Colorado just before COVID. Their tow service is not so great, pretty standard with most others so for that I use Coach Net.
I’m on the same research path. We currently have Progressive thru USAA. It’s a reasonably priced full RV insurance policy, except!!!! It doesn’t matter how much or how little you pay if they don’t honor the policy and pay for a claim.
In my research I’ve found two kinds of coverage:
1) full RV coverage which includes things like a) vacation liability, b) personal effects, c) emergency expenses in addition to comprehensive and collision
2) policies that are additions to auto policies and only cover comprehensive & collision
The prices for either type are all over the map.
Our Progressive policy through USAA is an RV policy with those RV extra coverages. Unfortunately, when we hit a pothole on the interstate that bent both axles and cracked the frame of our 2019 2375, Progressive determined (by reading online forums) that the frame issue is a known and ongoing manufacturer issue and is therefore an uninsurable event. For it to be considered a collision, Progressive expected to see bent wheels, sheered lugs, catastrophic failure. Not what happened to us. We’re now out $13k to replace the axle and rear frame rails.
While lamenting my situation elsewhere on these forums I met another 2019 Lance 2375 owner that hit a pothole on another interstate and suffered an almost identical failure to ours. They happened to be insured directly by USAA and the claim was honored and their trailer is being repaired right now, paid for by USAA.
So I called USAA and fought my way through their voicemail system, having to hang up and start again when I ended up in the Progressive phone tree. I eventually got an agent to provide a quote to “add the trailer to our vehicle policy.” This provides comprehensive and collision coverage along with the same liability coverage you have with your auto policy. But, it does not include any of the RV specific coverages. I haven’t decided if it matters.
a) personal effects - may be covered by homeowners
b) emergency expenses - what if your trailer catches fire in an RV park and you loose everything in the trailer. This supposedly covers buying clothes and toothbrushes, etc. while you figure out how to get home.
c) vacation liability - this was explained as liability for around the trailer while parked on vacation. Assume you’re parked and the TV is disconnected, maybe you’re not even at your RV and some bozo catches his shin on your RV steps, falls, breaks his back and sues you. Without the vacation liability coverage you aren’t covered.
I’ve gone through the quote process with: USAA, Hartford (uses Foremost), Allstate, State Farm, GEICO (also uses Foremost ), Good Sam and I’m waiting for a call back from AAA.
one thing possibly unique to my situation is that I’m looking to insure the trailer by itself. I’m not looking to move all our vehicles and homeowners insurance. That makes a difference with some of these providers.
I’m leaning towards a full RV policy, which rules out USAA. The best quotes I’ve received are from Geico and Good Sam. If anyone has direct insurance claims experience from either Geico or Good Sam (not roadside assistance), I’d be greatly appreciative.
Changing insurance companies is intentionally difficult, not unlike changing banks. With insurance there is an easier way. After 55 years with State Farm I got a cancellation letter without any reason given. My agent did not know it was being cancelled and it took two weeks to find out why. No claims, but some bean counter had decided they had not been increasing my premiums enough and the best way to deal with that was to cancel and then offer a new policy with an appropriately higher premium. I started to shop. Tried USAA (see prior post). Not fun. Why not let an independent agent do the leg work. Never had considered it, figured it would be more expensive. Adding a middle man would just make things more difficult. Wrong. There are lots of very competent and ethical independent agents and also many financially stable and ethical insurance companies that you never heard of. An independent agent won't sell you insurance from the companies that are continuously advertising. How are those ads paid for? Premiums from the already insured. The independent agent represents you. He/she is not an employee of the insurance company, and can find a good fit for your needs. Now, you have someone representing you to the company. If the company screws you, the agent won't sell any more of that company's product. The company doesn't want to loose the agent. You don't have to deal with a company employee trying to save their job. The agent can also do a better job of getting you what you want/need. We have carried a low deductible because if you drive in Eastern Oregon in winter you probably will loose a windshield. Our agent pointed out that we could lower our premium by raising the deductible and the company would still provide zero deductible glass coverage! Great. Problem being, within a month with the new company, my DW lost a windshield. Called our agent. He asked who we wanted to do the replacement. No preference. He contacted SafeLite, they contacted me, and the replacement was done in our garage. And, the new company you never heard of is overall $1000 a year less then State Farm was when they cancelled, we have a lot insured. I am not and never have been in the insurance business. This is not intended to promote any particular agent or company. If you PM me I will disclose the agent and company.