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Tagged With "Lifetime Member and Lance"


Great Anti Corrosion and Lube Product

Doug P ·
Oops, I had originally posted this in the wrong Forum area... A fellow Lance member pointed me to the correct Forum..... I wanted to share this product with fellow Lance owners. About 20 years ago I came across this product at a bike show for lubricating parts on a racing bike. I have used this product ever since to lubricate and protect about anything that is made out of bare metal. This product was developed for Boeing aircraft to lubricate and protect metal hinges and other items on an...

Re: TST TPMS New and Improved Wide Screen Color Monitor

R&V Spiker ·
After repeated attempts to get some sort of special LOA pricing arranged with Mike Benson and no follow up on his end, I've come to the conclusion that he's either too busy or just doesn't want to deal with it. For those who would like to have one of these upgraded displays and not pay full price, I would suggest you call TST direct and tell them you're a Lance Owners of America member and would like the same price you gave to Randy Spiker ($79.00). See what they say. I REALLY like mine.

Re: TST TPMS New and Improved Wide Screen Color Monitor

Mike507 ·
Hello Randy, I apologize I was not ignoring you I finally was able to connect with Eric, and get back on the forum. Now that I am on, I can offer a 10% discount to all forum members on the new Color Display or system. Yes it will work with all existing 507 sensors. Any Lance forum member can always contact me directly at 210-420-0132 with any questions. Thanks, Mike Benson TST TPMS 210-420-0132

Re: Informal Lance Get Together at Woods Canyon Lake AZ "Aspen Campground" - June 2018

Rob Monsipapa ·
Great to see another LOA member joining the group, really looking forward to meeting some new faces and some familiar ones. We have 3 little ones but of the 4 legged variety, Dillion, Mason and Emma. They love camping, you should see how they get when Jayne starts packing a few days in advance! It’s too funny... Rob

Re: Informal Lance Get Together at Woods Canyon Lake AZ "Aspen Campground" - June 2018

Rob Monsipapa ·
Cool, great to add another Lance member to the trip. You have a member right next to you in 108 and we will be in 117. Looking forward to meeting you! Plan on a nightly happy hour at our site! Rob

Re: Nature's Head Composting Toilet

kaypee ·
I have to agree that the Wynn's perkiness can be a bit much. Even when they're saying some pretty harsh things about the way RVs are manufactured it comes across as rough as if an extra ice cube was perhaps in order for the iced tea served at lunch. To give them the credit, several of their videos have piqued my interest. They have some nice information on solar and inverters. And they are self proclaimed "poop experts." Composters have a really bad reputation up here from pipeline...
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