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Reply to "Retractable Solar Panels"

I don't see this version as feasible out of the start gate.  Reasons:

  1. Cost ($10,000)!  I use my TT on average of 30 days/year.  If I stayed in full service RV Parks at $75/night that's about 4.5 years of RVing for us.
  2. It has a thousand moving parts. All wanting to bind up and snap.
  3. Weight.  300lbs, that's significant.
  4. The shade effect looks like it would be 50% impaired, rain 90%.
  5. I laughed when I read the bottom side would still work with snow on the top.  They have never shoveled snow and have no concept of the weight of frozen water.

When they come out with a version that 'rolls' out replacing the current cloth shade and costs $500, I might be interested.

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