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Reply to "Renogy 3000 watt inverter/charger"

This is pretty close to what I was thinking my install would look like.  My two BB batteries are already under the bed, and I was going to add two additional BB batteries, Renogy Inverter (with Bluetooth), and Lynx Distributor.

My AC cable from the Renogy Inverter will exit out the under-bed storage area through the pass through, then down under following the chassis, and then upwards through the floor opening to the ATS switch and breaker panel.

Like you I was thinking of adding the ATS behind my breaker panel.  I have to look at the space there, as everything is so tight.  What is a 12-0 SO cord?  I know this cord supplies the AC power, but did not know what type of cord you were referring too.

Thanks for the pictures and description.

Mark V

SO is 12AWG wire 3 conductor cable . The black jacketed extension cord.

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