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Reply to "Mopeka Pro Fresh Water Tank Blue Tooth Sensor"

@Tom Weiz posted:

Are you frustration of not really knowing how much water I have in my fresh water tank?  The 4 lights don't seem to work very well and when it hits Empty you anywhere from 0 Gallons to 15 Gallons.

I found the perfect solution and installed it.  Mopeka Pro Sensor.

This device will have you the percentage of water you have in your tank to an app on your phone vai Blue Tooth.

My Lance 2375 has a black insulated Hard Plastic cover around the Fresh water tank.  It can not be cut with a utility knife so I was a bit apprehensive about drilling under my fresh water tank. The thought of drilling a hole in this tank gave me reason to take is slow.  After drilling a small hole I was able to determine there was good clearance.

I drilled a 6.35" hole.  You will find this hole drill in the electrical section of Home Depot. Its used to drill canned lights in Dry wall.


Since the Mopeka requires batteries you will need to add a trap door to get at it to replace batteries. I used this 6" circular hatch which I both glued and screwed to bottom.


Drilling the hole and attaching the trap door was the only challenging part.

After going thru the set up. I filled the 45 Gal Fresh water tank and used a 5 gallon bucket to remove water 5 gallons at a time and get readings on sensor. You can set the height of you tank in the set up.  I decided to see which setting gave me the best results. I found that using 10" setting was more accurate than 9" settting.

So when my water meter shows Empty, I will know now have a much better reading in my water lever:  Mopeka will give me the following:

  • 57% - 25 Gallons
  • 48% - 20 Gallons
  • 36% - 15 Gallons
  • 27% - 10 Gallons
  • 20% - 8 Gallons
  • 15% - 5 Gallons

After using this in my last trip, I don't know how anyone can really camp without it.

Happy camping.


Nicely done and well documented. Great way to hide the batteries and still have easy access.

Last edited by Eric Dye
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