I use Google Maps, Waze, Garmin RV890, and paper maps. I am convinced that paper maps are the most valuable and each of the electronic gadgets have some positive points, but each has some serious faults so that I would not trust any of the electronic devices by itself. Admittedly, I am old and learned how to find my way around by map long before Google Maps, Waze, Garmin, and any other electronic gadget had even been dreamed of so I am probably a bit set in my ways.
I bought the Garmin because I thought the RV features would be useful. But I have learned to trust it less than either Google or Waze. I am from Michigan and I know my way around Michigan. When I ask Garmin for a route in Michigan, it hardly ever gives me a route that I would have selected. Google and Waze usually are closer to my liking. If Garmin does this where I know my way around, I suspect it is doing the same when I am in unfamiliar territory. My problem with my Garmin RV890 is that when I ask for a route, it will give me a route that is suitable for my RV characteristics, however I have little confidence that it is the best route. My real problem is that when I do not follow the Garmin route and deviate from the Garmin route, Garmin begins to give instructions to get back to its route and those instructions disregard all vehicle parameters and will send you down anything that is a plotted road right of way, including abandoned two-tracks that are impassible by any 4 wheel vehicle.
Another thing I dislike about the Garmin RV890 is that while I bought it for the large screen, it continuously pops up a window box on the righthand third of the screen with stop suggestions. I wanted the big screen for a big map, not for unrequested information. I find it annoying that I am having to click that unrequested stuff off about every 15 minutes or so.
I don't like Google Maps for directions because it seems to always be zoomed wrong or zooming in too close so that it is hard to see what is a couple blocks ahead. I also have a distrust for Google Maps because when I ask it to take me to my home address, it misses by 3.2 miles and instead of ending up on my nice paved county road, it takes you to a location on a dirt two track
I typically have Google maps on my iphone, zoomed out to show traffic 25-50 miles ahead, I have Waze on the truck apple car play for directions, and I have the Garmin for a large screen showing what is immediately around me. All this is after verifying my route on a paper map each day, if I am in unfamiliar areas.
I did finally learn how to edit a Garmin route on the RV890, but it is easier to let Waze, or maybe Google Maps, do that part.