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LOA East Coast Rally (ECR7) 7

White Oak Campground, Quarryville PA

LOA East Coast Rally (ECR7) 7

With a very successful ECR6 under way, we've already locked dates for ECR7!  We will start a discussion thread later and when that happens I'll place a link here....

ECR 7 (East Coast Rally) discussion

ECR 6 (East Coast Rally) discussion thread

You can look back at the thread for the 2019 rally (ECR5) by clicking here.

I don't have prices yet - will update as well when I get those - but to reserve your spot, call Sandy at White Oak (717) 687-6207.  Be sure she knows you are with the Lance Owners Association and she'll get you discounted pricing.

Please send me (pilot195) a PM after you make your reservation so I can update our roster of who is coming.

We welcome TCs and TTs!

...more to follow, but wanted to put the dates on the calendar...


3156 White Oak Rd, Quarryville PA 17566

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Our maybe attending turns out to be a No... Yesterday, we left Michigan in our rear/side view mirrors and entered Indiana.

We're plugged in at @Grayden4's pad in Auburn IN.

With about 10K miles on our present adventure, we plan to change oil and filter on the truck.

Have fun everyone and be safe. Continue to social distance when in close quarters.

@captcl posted:

We have 40 spots set aside @/ with the campground for the rally. If/ when you call to reserve make sure you tell them you are with the Lance Group. Special rate too!

Right now, we may be a maybe. You need to put out that cigar and talk to Marcia, @acmaintainer while sitting here at Copper Harbor MI's Trails End Campground.

I see you've talked @Quince and @DMarkley into it.

@pilot195 posted:

Here’s a list of our sites... my signature block should have a link to the campground map...or go to there web site if it’s missing...  all of these sites have electric and wate4 if not sewer.

Thanks I get it now! Lances are taking over the whole CG. Thats freaking awesome.

@RCK FDK posted:

Hi. We are only a maybe (for now) but wanted to ask if there is a certain section of the camp ground where most attendees choose the spot so they are grouped together? Assume the group gets at least electric and water service of is this a boondock training weekend?? Thanks! Randy and Wenda

Here’s a list of our sites... my signature block should have a link to the campground map...or go to there web site if it’s missing...  all of these sites have electric and wate4 if not sewer.



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@RCK FDK posted:

Hi. We are only a maybe (for now) but wanted to ask if there is a certain section of the camp ground where most attendees choose the spot so they are grouped together? Assume the group gets at least electric and water service of is this a boondock training weekend?? Thanks! Randy and Wenda

We have 40 spots set aside @/ with the campground for the rally. If/ when you call to reserve make sure you tell them you are with the Lance Group. Special rate too!

Hi. We are only a maybe (for now) but wanted to ask if there is a certain section of the camp ground where most attendees choose the spot so they are grouped together? Assume the group gets at least electric and water service of is this a boondock training weekend?? Thanks! Randy and Wenda

Is there a schedule of events for this rally? We have friends in the area and would like to be able to visit them without missing anything.

Not much on the schedule for ECR 7 ( as of now) Nightly campfires, meet & greets and daily relaxing. There is no pot luck dinner or raffle scheduled. Again, as of now. Gonna be a “ laid back” relaxing time with a bunch of Lancers. I’ll have more and a roster later this month. I’ll be getting a list from Sandy @ Whiteoak campground later this week of who and what campsite they are on. Starting last year ( ECR6) we reserved a spot solely for campfires which have always been a focal point starting in the afternoon and running till everybody tucks in.

We are brand new 2016 Lance 1575 owners and live about 20 mins from Quarryville, but unfortunately we can't attend since we will be away visiting our daughter in Denver, CO. Bummer! Next year for sure though!

Congratulations!   We look forward to meeting you guys!


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