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Collection @ Quartzite Jan 17-24, 2019

Desert dry camping for those headed to RITV or just snowbirding and wanting to meet up with new Lance friends. 

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Jim & Pam posted:

We'll be hanging out in that area of AZ for the first 2 weeks of January.  Anyone else be around then?  Our schedule has us heading wayyy east on Hwy 10 about the same time you guys are showing up. 


Where are you going to be hanging out in AZ?  What is your southbound route from Oregon?  

Farfaraway posted:

This will be our first time in Quartzite- where does one get water?

There are places around town where you can buy water, they cater to Snowbird. You can find most everything you need. Hope this helps.


Dave & Jerri posted:

What is "RITV".  How safe is camping in the quatzite area?  Does anyone know if UTV's are available to rent in the area?

Hi Dave & Jerri,

RITV stands for Rally in the Valley. It a rally at White Tank Mountain reginial park near Surprise, AZ. There is a thread in the Rally section of the forum.

The Quartzsite get to gether was started last year for those on their way to the RITV. Just a few extra day of Lance owners camping with other Lance owners.

Quartzsite is a mecca for Snowbirds in the Winter. It's going on the same time as the RITV. It a giant Swap Meet and RV show. And yes it's fairly safe, because it's mainly retired people and we tend to be Non-Violent!

I assume UTV is a form of off road vehicle. I'm not sure if anyone rents UTV. 

Hope this helps


Planner23899 posted:

We love camping on the BLM land at Quartzite hope to join the group at that time please send GPS coordinate.  When we go we like to stay at Dome Rock BLM campground.  Very quite and peaceful lots of open space and not far from town.  Free to stay there up to two weeks just have to register with the host and then park anywhere  you want.  The ground is hard pack so you dont have to worry about getting stuck in the sand.  Also there is places in town to get water and depending on how long  you plan to stay you can get your septic tank pumped at your campsite.


We will be gathering just SE of town

N33.663742, W114.185732

There is a host for that area but we saw last year that very few actually registered with them.  The area is hard pack.  


We love camping on the BLM land at Quartzite hope to join the group at that time please send GPS coordinate.  When we go we like to stay at Dome Rock BLM campground.  Very quite and peaceful lots of open space and not far from town.  Free to stay there up to two weeks just have to register with the host and then park anywhere  you want.  The ground is hard pack so you dont have to worry about getting stuck in the sand.  Also there is places in town to get water and depending on how long  you plan to stay you can get your septic tank pumped at your campsite.


DNL posted:

I am new to this group.  Is this Quartzite AZ?  What are the activities at this event?

Thanks. Dave

Hi Dave.  I am not the coordinator of this event, but I can answer your question.  Yes, it is Quartzsite, AZ.  It is just a gathering of people who are on their way to RITV. it is VERY informal with no activities within the gathering.  It's just Lance people enjoying each other's company. 


DNL posted:

I am new to this group.  Is this Quartzite AZ?  What are the activities at this event?

Thanks. Dave

Hi Dave, the Quartzsite get-to-gether is a group Lance owners that are going to the RITV in January. We are congregating on BLM land for a few days ahead of RITV for the Quartzsite RV show. All Lance owners are welcome, so if you are in the area, feel free to join us.


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