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2016 Summer Camping in Oregon Rally

To All LOA members and others that would like attend

     It is time to start planning for the

                                                             2016 Summer Camping in Oregon Rally

   This year we will be at So. Beach State Park, Oregon.

Here is the link  -- -- you may need to copy and paste the link.

                                 2016 Summer Camping in Oregon Rally Dates are June 09,10,11,12,13 -- 2016.

Situated just So. of New Port Oregon on Hy. 101

Here is a video of the park so that you can pick your site

!!You will need to make your own RESERVATIONS if you would like to attend!!!!!!


                                                 WE WILL BE IN --------- SITE - D18

   !!!!!!You will need to make your RESERVATIONS very soon as  State Park fills up very fast ******VERY FAST.

                                     AS OF 12/01/2015 There is  33 sites available with hookups  



                                              ALL Rally  GATHERINGS WILL BE AT SITE - D18

                         Here is the schedule that I see at this time --- let me know how it looks to you.

Thursday night -about 7:00pm.   Meet and Greet / Cocktail Hour

Friday      night -about 6:00pm.    Cocktail Hour/ Story Time

Saturday  night -about 6:30pm    Potluck Dinner and Desert then a Tour of  TT or TC if you want to show off your mods                                  about 8:00pm     Cocktail Hour / Story Time

Sunday    morning - about 10:00am  Potluck Breakfast -  If you would like to do this -- let me know

                night- about 6:30 pm   Address exchange / Cocktail Hour / Story Time

Monday   night -about 6:00 pm   Cocktail Hour / Story Time

                       Tuesday is check out day for us and the end of a good Rally

There will be more info in upcoming post as to what you can do in the area.

Join us for the fun of it all                                               


Thank You For Your Time

Shchuck your Trailmaster

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We are currently scheduled for the rally.  I noticed the high school graduation issue that others have brought up and I will need to recheck our schedule.  Our niece is graduating and I don't know the dates yet.  We may have to back out.

shchuck posted:

to all 

I missed puting a link to the Discussion Lounge for the Summer Camping Rally so here it is --


Hi Chuck,

I don't want to be telling you how to run your rally, but here's a better link to the actually discussion thread.


Happy Camping


Last edited by BobnRobin
  • Please excuse if this is a duplicate message, my first effort just kinda went away not sure where.  My wife and I planning on attending what will be our first Lance rally. We have reserved site D-10, and are looking forward to the trip and meeting new folks.  I believe there is a comment thread about the event but yet to find it.  Still learning how use this site. �� 


Last edited by Ed Haskell

Oh NO!! The date will not work for us, we have High School Graduation that week and will not be able to attend.  That is a beautiful park, we stay there often (went there right after the first of the year) and I know you will all enjoy your stay.  If you like seafood I would recommend the Newport Cafe, small place but great food.

Happy Camping everyone.

Bryan and Tanna 

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